Hi, I'm 15 and have always felt like something was different about me. I have never wanted to let go of things and was awkward, I presumed I simply had Social Phobia and was insecure. However after having been able to relate with a person with Aspergers syndrome more than I had with anyone else in my life I decided to do some research.
I am fine around my close friends (two of them) but to everyone else I can't look them in the eye. I usually played by myself as a young child but I dislike the idea of being alone forever (I still need my own space - a lot).
- Prefer doing things on my own.
- Have things I put a lot of effort into (Programming) and end up ignoring others (School, Social life).
- Irregular Sleeping Pattern.
- Dislike unfamiliar things (When I was younger this was mainly seen in food - I was a very fussy eater).
- Bad with people, always say the wrong thing, don't know what to say, don't know when to talk.
- When I do talk about something I like I rarely stop.
There are others but I was wondering if anyone though I may have Undiagnosed Aspergers? Two of my 2nd uncles have Autism. I don't think my parents suspect it, but I don't get along with either of them at all. We fight often.
p.s. I had a lack of oxygen at birth and I read in two sources than 50%(!?!) of people with Aspergers had this (hard to believe).
It would make a lot if sense if I do have Aspergers. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Michael H-F, 15, UK
I have done several online Tests and have come up in the 'Aspergers Range' each time. I'm not sure how accurate they are.