You have to remember that most of these characters are filtered through the interpretations of normal people who are the screenwriters and actors so the portrayal might not be completely correct. But off the top of my mind I'd say most of the characters in "Revenge of the Nerds." Also the Robin Williams character in "One Hour Photo," a miserable boring movie. Perhaps "Butters" on South Park who is clueless about the intentions of others around him. A lot of the comedic, bungling, socially inept, character's Woody Allen portrays. Spock too, don't let the fact that he is an "alien" distract you, the screenwriters are really describing AS people they've known when they write for him. Just watch that scene in Star Trek I the motion picture when Spock first comes aboard the Enterprise and the Humans seem all joyful to see him again after all those years and he is unable to reciprocate back. The way he just sneaks off while Uhura is trying to start a bit of conversation about how happy she is to see him, and the way he just stands there in a socially awkward moment in Kirks quarters with McCoy also present. Kirk finally has to say "Will you PLEASE sit down," and McCoy replies "Spock, I see you haven't changed a bit, your just as warm and sociable as ever." Wargames had a comic relief character on screen for a few moments towards the beginning of the film, remember the sidekick at the Computer Lab Broderick goes to in the beginning who very loudly buts into the conversation, then the normal guy with the beard takes him aside and says "Remember that little conversation we had the other day...about how when you were being rude and insensitive you wanted me to tell you...Well you're doing it right now."