I don't know about other cultures, but in the UK I've noticed that 9 out of 10 women who I look at have plucked eyebrows, or have eyebrows what look like they keep on top of. I keep worrying about this because I don't like plucking my eyebrows because it hurts and makes my eye water, but I don't like looking different either, because I know what other women are like, they start talking about you if you don't obey their ridiculous little rules you have to follow with your physical appearance. I know that women ''must'' shave their legs otherwise they will be ridiculed, but I'm not sure if women ''must'' pluck their eyebrows, or if it's socially acceptable for women to have the choice without being ridiculed.
I used to go around with a monobrow, but I now pluck that in between, but I still have these thick eyebrows. I like them myself, but I also like to be socially accepted, so I was wondering if (by social rules) women can leave their eyebrows and not be ridiculed? Or is it a social rule that women have to pluck their eyebrows if they want to fit in?
If it is, I don't think it's very fair myself, because plucking eyebrows bloody hurts, and why should social society make women feel obliged to put themselves through pain just to impress eachother? Not everybody enjoys hurting themselves.
It's all right for men, because they don't ''have to'' shave their face. If they grow a beard, as far as I know, they don't seem to get ridiculed by other men or women, but if they choose to shave clean they still don't get ridiculed by other men or women. It's not fair - men have more of a choice.