I agree with CrazyCatLord. Routine for us is a very comforting thing. That's why I did so well in the military. It was filled with routine. Another thing to consider is how men think. (I'd recommend the book Men are from Mars Women are from Venus). We men identify ourselves by how we work. It's just an idiosyncracy of our gender. It is how we are wired. I can relate. Because of the cutbacks made by Pres. Obama, I've been cut from a full-time military position to a part-time reserve one, and I'm going nuts trying to find a full-time job. It's not easy and, being a legal and tax professional who analyzes numbers, it's going to get way worse. Again, I'm going by numbers - not politics. When Obama care kicks in, a number of employers (and a number of them have told me this) plan on laying off even more people because they simply cannot afford to keep them employed because of the cost. You can't change the laws of mathematics, and as most employers are small businesses, this is especially true - if you go strictly by the math. so both of us may be out of work for a long time to come. I know a brigadier general who was forcibly retired over a year ago. He's still looking for work. It's tough out there and the light at the end of the tunnel hasn't been reached yet know matter what the Labor Department says.
Supporter of the Brian Terry Foundation @
www.honorbrianterry.com. Special Agent Brian Terry (1970-2010) was murdered as a direct result of Operation Fast & Furious - which Barry O won't discuss - wonder why?