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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 Jan 2012, 11:35 am

I use people's past experiences (i.e. my parents, friends and family) to navigate my way through life and just recently music. What I mean is your connection to the world and understanding it. How do you communicate to everyone when words don't seem to work?

Last edited by Zhane on 27 Jan 2012, 7:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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26 Jan 2012, 11:37 am

Music, and watching my boyfriend look up random videos on YouTube.

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26 Jan 2012, 11:57 am

Science, ha.


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26 Jan 2012, 2:53 pm

Do you mean how I relate to other people in the world, how I feel about the part of the world I'm in, or my feelings about the world in general. I can pretty much answer that last part. It's a good world but it would be a lot better if so many people on it didn't suck so bad and weren't destroying the planet or trying to kill me. :|


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26 Jan 2012, 4:46 pm

Do you mean relate to the world as in understand, navigate and communicate with the world? I do that best through music and song lyrics.

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26 Jan 2012, 4:49 pm

I relate to the world through my senses.


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26 Jan 2012, 4:57 pm

Through this forum :D

Other than that, I don't really relate to the world anymore. I go shopping once a week. Every two months, I call in to the doctor's office and ask for a new prescription. Those short phone calls are my only verbal conversations nowadays, unless I count "hello, thank you, goodbye" at the supermarket or pharmacy. Not a whole lot of relating.


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26 Jan 2012, 6:05 pm

Through music and my senses and intuition.

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26 Jan 2012, 6:09 pm

btbnnyr wrote:
I relate to the world through my senses.

I think I do too. Other than that I'm not sure I understand the question and don't know how to answer it.


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27 Jan 2012, 1:26 pm

Photography, movies, books, tumblr, and video games.

Anything that has to do with images or stories or social networking with those I don't know personally (a sense of anonymity helps me to see things as an observer and doesn't make me insecure).

However, I avoid television, half of mainstream music, and half the movies that come out nowadays because 90% of the time they are terrible and shallow.

I don't like looking at art. It's pretty, but I don't like analyzing paintings to relate to the artistic side of the world, even though I consider myself artistic (in a sense, if storytelling is artistic).

Otherwise, I don't even bother trying to relate to the world. If I end up doing to, it is unintentional.


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27 Jan 2012, 2:53 pm

If I'm not "Acting Normal" you mean? (which I learned to do as a survival mechanism).
Through music, poetry, books, symbols.
I experience it through my senses, but it gets overwhelming even after nearly 50 years on this Earth.


Pileated woodpecker
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27 Jan 2012, 6:53 pm

Zhane wrote:
I use people's past experiences (i.e. my parents, friends and family) to navigate my way through life and just recently music.

You don't ever sit down and analyze things through your own perspective?

I like the answer "Senses" to this, lol. Simple, to the point, and more then a little cheeky. No Senses = No idea of reality or the world in which we live, lol.

That said, allowing for the probability that Zhane was asking a philosophical question rather then a physical one, I would answer I relate to the world in any way I choose to, as varied and complex or simple I choose that to be.

In response to what you said in your first post though, I will say that I use gained knowledge about other people in an effort to create an understanding of other people. Which at first glance suggests we relate to people in a similar fashion. Though to be more fair, its a process in which I try to find something similar in my own experiences, and tweak them to fit what they describe until I feel its a fair representation of what they've described.....

What exactly do you people mean when you are essentially saying "I relate to the world through music"? To me, music can never be more then an accentuation of an experience, and though that accentuation can be powerful, I have never had an experience where music purely defined it......


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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27 Jan 2012, 7:06 pm

Aldran wrote:
Zhane wrote:
I use people's past experiences (i.e. my parents, friends and family) to navigate my way through life and just recently music.

You don't ever sit down and analyze things through your own perspective?

I like the answer "Senses" to this, lol. Simple, to the point, and more then a little cheeky. No Senses = No idea of reality or the world in which we live, lol.

That said, allowing for the probability that Zhane was asking a philosophical question rather then a physical one, I would answer I relate to the world in any way I choose to, as varied and complex or simple I choose that to be.

In response to what you said in your first post though, I will say that I use gained knowledge about other people in an effort to create an understanding of other people. Which at first glance suggests we relate to people in a similar fashion. Though to be more fair, its a process in which I try to find something similar in my own experiences, and tweak them to fit what they describe until I feel its a fair representation of what they've described.....

What exactly do you people mean when you are essentially saying "I relate to the world through music"? To me, music can never be more then an accentuation of an experience, and though that accentuation can be powerful, I have never had an experience where music purely defined it......


We all relate to the world use our sense, lol and I can see the confusion, but what I mean what makes the world make a little bit more sense? Your connection? Your communication? Your peace?

Pileated woodpecker
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27 Jan 2012, 9:13 pm

We all relate to the world use our sense, lol and I can see the confusion, but what I mean what makes the world make a little bit more sense? Your connection? Your communication? Your peace?

To me, the world is what it is, no more, no less, and though far greater then I am, my understanding of it is purely limited to what I put the effort forth to try to understand. I try very hard not to simply "Believe" in things (Particularly without very thorough analyzation), outside of philosophical beliefs about what is likely to create a better outcome for people involved in any given situation.

A connection to the world? The world of other people? Or the physical world? Operating on the assumption of the latter rather then the former:
Outside of the understanding that my actions have the ability to affect the world I live in, and that the world I live in (My environment) can be affected by other's actions, I can't say I have ever really felt "Connected" to the world. If I read into your question, the "sense of connection" that artists of numerous styles refer to, then I could say that I feel connected perhaps to my interests and my possessions, those things that I almost exclusively affect, and to my wife and our dogs, those beings with whom I share a life, and my world. But I can't particularly say I feel a connection to the world at large any more then I feel a connection to anything that I am aware of, am being made aware of, have knowledge of, or are otherwise cognizant of, but are not physically connected to, or are otherwise in the process of affecting.......

Communication? To the world? To other people? I would ask here before I even attempt to answer, what do you consider communication? Does it have to be between 2 people? Between a person and anything else? A person and something else sentient? Does it require reciprocity?

My peace..... I don't have "A Peace". I have "Moments of peace" when I am not engaged in anything particularly stressful, and these moments are often associated to my interests, in general. But beyond that, I would require more context to answer more fully......

Logical as my answers may be, I do have emotions. But, as my answers demonstrate, I do approach the world very logically.



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28 Jan 2012, 4:11 am

My senses of sight, hearing, and touch seem acute, although I do wear contacts. I suspect this is because I'm almost always looking at things right in front of me though, so that my eyes have atrophied just as muscles or intelligence would if essentially unused. The sharpness of my corrected vision seems very sharp to me.

My sense of smell is basically non-existent. My sense of taste seems good to me but I've never found food particularly amazing so maybe it's not.

My sense of body position is poor, I run into things more often than I should (never, right?) and when I drive a car or the like I never quite feel like I know 'where I am' exactly.

I can feel empathy for someone who is in pain, although I don't see what the point is anymore so I try to avoid that. It's more that I get the impression they are in pain than that I really know they are. I do avoid paining people unnecessarily.

Similarly I can feel empathy for happy people but I haven't seen many of those lately. I suppose the people I do associate with ever so vaguely are not the right sort of people. I am moving shortly, so give me a cheer for that one.

Emotionally I can only sort of relate to people, a lot of the things that a lot of people seem to find highly meaningful seem essentially pointless to me.

Similarly, socially I haven't found anyone with whom I particularly relate, apparently I'm too different or they're too much like everyone else or .. ?

I am fascinated by 'complex' seeming scenes, even the color gradation the sky makes is interesting, trees, leaves. I wouldn't say I stare at them for hours but I suspect I pay more attention than most people, who pay no particular attention at all. Then there's human made art etc. Watching people can be fun but they tend to want to watch back and that generally feels awkward.

Overall though I would say I relate poorly, I've never felt like I really belonged on this 'Earth' place and even as a young child I would eat abrasive cleaners, poisonous berries, deliberately position myself below a pop fly baseball so it hit me in the head, walked off of stairs, etc. However somehow someone or something would always 'save' me. Weird place, this


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28 Jan 2012, 4:48 am

i feel separate from the world. i know i am on the world, but i do not feel i am a part of it. of course i know intellectually that i am made from ingredients from the world that came from the stars, but i do not feel integrated with my surroundings.

when i was little, i said something that surprised and worried my doctor, and he said to my parents that he had not heard anyone say anything like it before. i do not know how it came about, but i think i was asked how i feel when i walk, and i revealed by something i said that i feel like i am "pulling" where i want to go to me with my feet. like i am always in the same place, and i pull the ground with my feet until the place where i want to be is under my feet. like i am motionless, and rolling the ball of the world under my feet by walking.

another thing that alarmed him somewhat was that i thought the sun was following me everywhere i go.
i did not know how far away it was at that time, so i had no parallactic reference with respect to it.

i always felt when i was small, that everywhere is "here" and always is "now", because no matter where i went, i was always "here", and no matter what time or day i was in, it was always "now".
like the end of space is "here", and the end of time is "now", but only if i am there. that is harder to explain.
