what do you like about AS or having Autism

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Jan 2012, 1:02 pm

Ok, iv not read one post about anything good about AS or Autism on the site (so far still new, no offence ment to anyone). So my question is what do you like about have the above?

The above conditions do make life more difficult but at the end of the day you were born that way, you dont actually now anything diffrent because you were born with these, they did not just develop, so AS and Autism is you, like your little toe is also you. So there must be at least one thing you like about you. So please share.


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29 Jan 2012, 1:30 pm

Things that I like about my autism:

1. My ability to think for myself and not be influenced by the hottest and latest trends.

2. My unique way of looking at the world.

3. I have a strong personality and a mind of my own.

4. I'm able to work independently.

5. I can spend long hours by myself and not get bored or lonely.

6. I love the special interests that I have.

7. I have an intense focus that enables me to get things done, quickly.

8. I know not to hurt or make fun of people, because I've been hurt, bullies and made fun by a lot of people in my life and I know how much it hurts.

9. I'm not hung up on binary gender codes and gender roles the way that most people are.

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29 Jan 2012, 1:33 pm

well, I guess it makes me more creative then a so called normal person.

if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be able to draw my cartoon/anime style characters.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Jan 2012, 2:04 pm

Cockneyrebel thats a great list!! If i was told tomorrow if i take x number of pills ill become a NT i wouldnt take it, because i like me.


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29 Jan 2012, 4:04 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
5. I can spend long hours by myself and not get bored or lonely.

6. I love the special interests that I have.

Same here!

I also love the fact that I have an imaginary world that I might not have had if I had been NT.


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29 Jan 2012, 6:46 pm

hopea1990 wrote:
Cockneyrebel thats a great list!! If i was told tomorrow if i take x number of pills ill become a NT i wouldnt take it, because i like me.

Thank you. I feel the same way. :)

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29 Jan 2012, 7:00 pm

I can fly.

Wait, autistic peoPle can't fly? Someone has been misinformering me...

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30 Jan 2012, 4:29 am

IdahoRose wrote:
CockneyRebel wrote:
5. I can spend long hours by myself and not get bored or lonely.

6. I love the special interests that I have.

Same here!

I also love the fact that I have an imaginary world that I might not have had if I had been NT.
most of the time i prefer being by myself,thats why i look forward to weekends


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30 Jan 2012, 10:53 pm

I like that I have ways to comfort myself... (stimming)

I love how lots of the questions in my life have answers like: why the heck is it that I can be smart but still struggle to say the stuff that I mean and articulate... why is it that I can figure stuff out that most people claim is soooo hard to understand... why am I the only one in the room who gets the logic behind a very important piece of information while everyone else seems to just not get how critical it is (especially when it's not just be being obsessive... when I am completely right about my focus)

I like how autism is a lot like sensory disabilities but sort of the other way around... whereas a blind person might make up by having supplemental auditory abilities... a person who is overloaded with auditory input can perhaps have complex understanding of things in a very visual way...

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31 Jan 2012, 1:10 pm

moved from Random Discussion to General Autism Discussion

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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31 Jan 2012, 1:17 pm

I find it hard to distinguish between what might be called symptoms, or who I really am. Is there really a clear line? It might be more obvious for some, but then what would you really define yourself as compared to how you assume you are affected? Suppose I'm really not sure myself as I haven't paid it much attention until I came here. Think I'll just say I've never thought of it as an issue, whether good or bad.

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31 Jan 2012, 2:40 pm

Back when I was working, I was proud of my ability to do a little bit of everything and quickly teach myself new skills as needed. I was also able to handle every task my boss and customers threw at me without requiring any help from others, and was rarely ever criticized for my work.

If a customer needed an assembly instruction, for example, he only had to send us the product and explain it to me on the phone. I drew the illustrations in Freehand, wrote the copy for the instructions, translated the text into English, did my own proofreading, and came in on Sunday to finish the imposition and the offset plates, so that the printer could get started early Monday morning.

Usually, a simple job like that involves at least five in-house people -- a process engineer for planning and scheduling, a graphics designer or illustrator, a typesetter, a proofreader and a platemaker -- and the services of a translation agency. I'd like to think that I saved my boss a lot of money. I now see this ability to work independently without requiring input or instructions from others as an aspie trait.

But my strength was also a weakness, because I was unable to delegate my work and coordinate tasks with coworkers. If I was able to do something myself, I wanted to do it myself, and otherwise I taught myself how to do it. The few times I had help from a colleague on a bigger project, it always irked me that they didn't do things the way I'd have done them, and that I couldn't look at the finished product and think "that's my work".


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31 Jan 2012, 3:02 pm

I've learned to be creative in dealing with problems, both autism-related and not.

I like being able to think in patterns and associations instead of words, even though words are difficult sometimes.

I like being fascinated with a subject, and becoming an expert on it.

I like the way I've been forced to think about what it's like to be in various minorities, because being disabled puts me in one minority myself.

I think there are benefits to it, just like there are benefits to being NT. My life doesn't seem either better or worse than it would be if I were NT; it's just different.

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31 Jan 2012, 3:05 pm

Callista wrote:
I've learned to be creative in dealing with problems, both autism-related and not.

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31 Jan 2012, 3:18 pm

i loved my hyperactivity. i loved walking for miles at an almost running speed, going wild in kickboxing class. i'm too tired now that i'm in my mid forties and lost that, and i miss that. used to give me a high, a shot of adrenaline.
i like being smarter than the average. i like looking younger than my age.
i like being independent in the way that i can make it without social contact while other people kind of depend on it.
i like the way animals come to me as if they sense the love in me. dogs who won't let anyone else pet them and cats who aren't that friendly. i get special treatment.
i love the courage, the adventure and danger seeking i had in my youth, not anymore, though...
i like my ability to write a book in a few weeks.
i enjoy my highly developed sense of taste. even miniral water is delicious.


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31 Jan 2012, 3:28 pm

The things that I like about having aspergers (autism):

A) Having a very high IQ.

B) Not taking crap from people e.g. if they insult me, hurt my feelings, intimadation, making attempts to bully me.

C) Being more mature than the rest of the students in my school.

D) Doing what I like best and not letting anyone ruin it or take it away from me.

E) If I really want something, I'll fight for it and get it, no matter how impossible it is or what anybody says or does.

F) Being different than most other people.