I have decided to backburner my fictional novel and short story anthology in favor of officially starting my nonfiction work. I will use the actual names of the people involved in this true story for my drafts, but I will consider changing them before publication for privacy reasons. I must deal with this work carefully as I present the facts. My story is controvesial since it involves the paranormal. Everyone must make up his or her own mind as to what they believe, but I can say that there are things that cannot be explained by science---but that does not mean they are not true. At one time ball lightning was considered in the realm of the paranormal, but today it has been discovered that it has a scientific basis. The giant squid was at one time considered mythological, but today we know they are real. And today you can buy games where brainwaves can be transmitted in order to move objects. Perhaps this is one step closer to finding telekinesis as an accepted scientific entity.
My true story involves a haunting on the scale of what the Amityville Horror was supposed to be (if considered true)---although not that evil in context. The most evil things in this story involve an elderly lady being thrown out the front door of the home and landing onto the lawn about 10 feet away (witnessed by 6) incredibly without injury, a vase flying through the air and narrowly missing a subject's head (witnessed by 2), and a voice speaking to a resident, "I will kill you." There are also numerous sightings of a tall darkened shadowy apparition moving from room to room, the sounds of heavy running back and forth through the house at night, doors opening and closing on their own, etc. This is not the typical haunted house story you hear associated with the typical old house, but a far more elaborate haunting involving numerous different types of events, and extending over the course of many years. Although some of the hauntings are more patterned, there are a large amount of unpredictable events that happen only once or twice.
I do not know for sure my opinion on ghosts, but as I said earlier, there are things that cannot be explained. And many of these things may some day be explained by science. But just because something cannot be presently explained does not mean it has not happened. I try to keep an open mind with such topics, but each person is allowed his or her own opinion.
"My journey has just begun."