MindWithoutWalls wrote:
If fewer people got married who didn't want to anyway, maybe the divorce rate would go way down. Nobody should marry if they don't want to, whether it's because they just don't want the officialdom associated with it or they don't want the relationship in the first place. Marrying against your wishes seems like a terrible idea to me.
I agree, if marriage and finding a partner wasn't forced or pressured on to people, marriage might have a better chance of working. I don't see the reason why people feel societal pressure to get married or have kids, marriage is a dated tradition that isn't relevant in this modern age. Marriage is also a concept that has lost value in certain senses, it used to revolve around the family or striving to do what is best for the family as a unit within logical reason.
I would say do what you feel is logical or rational for you, not anyone else, not your father or society. Most people in modern day society have lost the true meaning and value of marriage yet still feel societal pressure and anxiety towards it so personally I wouldn't worry about it. If you do marry, don't marry on the whim of an emotion and find someone that wants what you want logically and rationally in the long run.