Ticker wrote:
....... What the support groups really are are just social networking for the parents of kids, they really don't seem to want the adults around. Ironically an awful lot of those parents have some autistic tendacies if you ask me.
I think you have just hit the nail on the head!
I went mainly for that reason, but quickly saw a possible way to interact with common-minded people. Unfortunately most, if not all those (adults) who are on the spectrum in those meetings, are in total denial of themselves. The NTs who run the "shows" are too much into themselves to even talk to aspies, since they have it all figured out, already.
I did meet a man, almost my age, recently diagnosed, but we had nothing in common and there was not much "exchange" to our conversation. Besides, his wife is a bully. My wife is an angel, on the other hand, and got tired of her BS in an instant.
Sorry to be so damn negative, but I'm being honest. Each time I go, I have less interest in returning, but I keep hoping to find someone with kids the age of ours who wants friends. Silly, I suppose, since I have given all my "friends" the shove.
It's just music for me. The other stims don't work.