visagrunt wrote:
Tequila wrote:
It's certainly possible but all the terms I can think of that are male-only are derogatory and homophobic.
Well then, it's time for us to repossess those.
In all seriousness, we will never get one of the perjoratives to take a coequal place with, "lesbian." And I'm okay with that. So lesbians get one more descriptive word than we do. I'm perfectly content to rely on the unambiguous term, "gay man," to stand as its male-exclusive substitute.
One more descriptive word? There is also "sapphic", and some lesbians proudly call themselves dykes (although it would never occur to me to call them that). That's five terms already if you count gay and homosexual. I thought men should have at least one that they don't have to share

But gay man works I guess. After all, there is no special adjective for bisexual men either.
Language--especially a mongrel like english--is never neat and orderly. We can't even adopt one consistent orthography, a clean and regular system of conjugations or a standardized one-to-one correspondence of sounds and letter patterns. And you're hoping for parallel vocabulary? I admire your romanticism, but I despair of any possility of success.
It's a lot more orderly than German

That's why I like the English language so much.