Transhuman wrote:
What *exactly* is the biggest obstacle to socializing for you?
For me, it's:
1) Inability to talk socially - that is, I have no interest in, or at least don't find it natural to exchange opinions on different matters or people with other people.
2) Inability to grasp social rules - don't know when to say hi, when to approach, when not to approach, when to say something, when not to, etc, etc.
3) Inability to read most body language.
4) Constant zoning out/being in my own world.
Pretty much the same as well. And being cognitive of all that on the spot isn't easy, probably contributing to the overall overload in the moment. I can usually decipher how a social engagement went, good or bad, after I've had time to digest it. Yeah, talk about slow.
Lasers, Pillars, and Gamma Charges. Avoid them.