I drink my coffee without any creamer or sugar in it, because I like the natural, nutty flavor of the brew. I find I appreciate different varieties of coffee more when just drinking them plain. I figure if its too bitter or too acidic, its an issue with the coffee, not an issue of what artificial flavorings and creamers and synthetic sweeteners I dump into it. I'm not kidding about the artificiality either. One time I bought a coconut flavored creamer, from a health store nonetheless, that had titanium dioxide listed as an ingredient. Last time, I checked, heavy metals aren't a food.
Anyway, I have this sense I'm in some minority here, concerning how I drink my coffee in contrast to the mainstream, Starbucks coffee drinking culture. So, I figured I'd add a poll to see how much of a fringe I'm apart of.
BTW, "sweetener" in the poll can mean sugar or artificial sweeteners, like Aspartame or Splenda
"creamer" can mean actual cream or artificial creamers, like coffee-mate or titanium dioxide.