As an Aspie, life will always seem tough on you. It will feel like a big battle and a struggle without end. In Love, this is even more apparent, which i blame on the partner expecting normallity from their point of view, they don't think to entertain the possbility that you are different, and before you can even explain it, they are gone.
Mate, listen, this is not your fault, you are being what your best at, yourself. There is nothing wrong with that, and it is painful when people don't accept that. I would not blame you for feeling the way you do, a lot of people on there probably know the feeling. Don't expect results. but hope, keep hoping and don't give up on it. On here, it feels like a sanctuary. We all understand here. You are your own person, and no-one on here will disagree.
Hey, be strong, ok, I wish i could convey my feelings on it, but I want you to know that people are here and they will listen, you are not alone.