Utter confusion at atypical social interaction

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Mar 2012, 8:31 am

So, I quit school for various reasons, mainly due to interations between my many problems. At school, I mainly keep to myself, and behave fairly 'aspieish'. I didn't have many friends, although one of the people I hung out with sometimes hugged me, which was surprising, but not bad. I was surprised because we are both male, but it was fine. Yesterday was my last day, and during break time, a guy handed me a piece of paper. He said something like "Here's a poem for you", although I can't say I was paying attention, so I don't know what he said exactly. Then he ran off, not telling me who wrote it. I've left now, but I'm still confused about it, and I don't understand the intention behind it. So I'm going to type out the poem and wait for people to tell me.

Ode to a [insert my misspelt last name]

[insert my misspelt last name] on a bike - slow down there,
I like the way you spike your hair,
You don't say much - yet less is more,
Your clothes would look good on my floor,
In the corner all alone
Always playing on your phone,
Can't you see me over here,
I want to hold you close my dear,
But now you're moving to the city,
Alex baby, what a pity,
Why don't you move into my house,
Then you'd make me your own spouse,
Alex Darling, I love you so,
Please don't leave me, please don't go!

To be fair, I haven't met anyone who hasn't misspelt my last name. But aside from that, I have no idea if this was a prank or true...
a) It was given to me by a guy
b) I am 'out' on my fb page as bisexual (I'm actually panromantic asexual, but its spelt b-i-s-e-x-u-a-l in polite company)
c) No one actually noticed said facebook post
d) I have a rainbow sticker on my bike
e) it sounds like a guy wrote it to me, but I may be wrong


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09 Mar 2012, 8:41 am

Something like that would freak me out...dont know what to make of it


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09 Mar 2012, 8:57 am

Hexagon wrote:
So, I quit school for various reasons, mainly due to interations between my many problems.

Even I had problems like that but did not quit, I just hanged around with the so called "geeks" only had like 3 friends.

Hexagon wrote:
At school, I mainly keep to myself

That’s what my teacher put on the report.

Hexagon wrote:
one of the people I hung out with sometimes hugged me, which was surprising, but not bad.
I was surprised because we are both male, but it was fine. Yesterday was my last day, and during break time, a guy handed me a piece of paper. He said something like "Here's a poem for you", although I can't say I was paying attention, so I don't know what he said exactly. Then he ran off, not telling me who wrote it. I've left now, but I'm still confused about it, and I don't understand the intention behind it. So I'm going to type out the poem and wait for people to tell me.

a) It was given to me by a guy
b) I am 'out' on my fb page as bisexual (I'm actually panromantic asexual, but its spelt b-i-s-e-x-u-a-l in polite company)
c) No one actually noticed said facebook post
d) I have a rainbow sticker on my bike
e) it sounds like a guy wrote it to me, but I may be wrong

Well look at the evidence. You could of asked why he gave it or would you say this person is "shy"? As a shy person would normally give a poem or letter.

Hexagon wrote:
panromantic asexual

A "pan-romantic asexual" is someone who is romantically attracted to people irrespective of their sex and/or gender, but has no sexual interest in partners.

Is that correct what it means first time I heard it?

Would this not be classed as sending mixed signals.

edit: "got to say it's weird typing with a ergonomic keyboard"

Last edited by TechnoDog on 09 Mar 2012, 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.


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09 Mar 2012, 9:02 am

Aww, that's cute :D I also think this poem was probably written by a male person. Since he mentions your bike, he has probably noticed your rainbow sticker and wanted to let you know that he did. But even if he didn't, male aspies often seem to set off people's "gaydar" (there is a thread about it in the LGBT subforum, and I've experienced this myself). I think the most likely author of this poem is the guy who used to hug you on occasion. I guess he wanted to make his intentions perfectly clear.


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09 Mar 2012, 9:37 am

I agree with CrazyCatLord. The dude that used to hug you is in love with you I think.

[CrazyCatLord, good catch on the bike mention and the rainbow sticker connection. I would have totally missed that.]

Anyway, if you like him too, go for it! :D


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09 Mar 2012, 10:05 am





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09 Mar 2012, 10:12 am


You should find this guy, could bring a lot of happiness into your life.

'not only has he hacked his intellect away from his feelings, but he has smashed his feelings and his capacity for judgment into smithereens'.


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09 Mar 2012, 10:22 am

[Moved from General Autism Discussion to LGBT Discussion]

Giraffe: a ruminant with a view.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Mar 2012, 10:27 am

TechnoDog wrote:
Hexagon wrote:
So, I quit school for various reasons, mainly due to interations between my many problems.

Even I had problems like that but did not quit, I just hanged around with the so called "geeks" only had like 3 friends.

Hexagon wrote:
At school, I mainly keep to myself

That’s what my teacher put on the report.

Hexagon wrote:
one of the people I hung out with sometimes hugged me, which was surprising, but not bad.
I was surprised because we are both male, but it was fine. Yesterday was my last day, and during break time, a guy handed me a piece of paper. He said something like "Here's a poem for you", although I can't say I was paying attention, so I don't know what he said exactly. Then he ran off, not telling me who wrote it. I've left now, but I'm still confused about it, and I don't understand the intention behind it. So I'm going to type out the poem and wait for people to tell me.

a) It was given to me by a guy
b) I am 'out' on my fb page as bisexual (I'm actually panromantic asexual, but its spelt b-i-s-e-x-u-a-l in polite company)
c) No one actually noticed said facebook post
d) I have a rainbow sticker on my bike
e) it sounds like a guy wrote it to me, but I may be wrong

Well look at the evidence. You could of asked why he gave it or would you say this person is "shy"? As a shy person would normally give a poem or letter.

Hexagon wrote:
panromantic asexual

A "pan-romantic asexual" is someone who is romantically attracted to people irrespective of their sex and/or gender, but has no sexual interest in partners.

Is that correct what it means first time I heard it?

Would this not be classed as sending mixed signals.

edit: "got to say it's weird typing with a ergonomic keyboard"

Hmm, not my kind of problems... no honestly, I don't know what your problems were, and you don't know much about mine. I can't say whether the severity of your problems matched the severity of mine, and whether my dropping out was justified. Yeah, same here. I must have stolen the phrase from her.

Yes, your definition of panromantic asexual is correct. I don't experience sexual attraction, but I do experience an appreciation for beauty in people of all genders, and have a moderate desire for a non-sexual relationship with people regardless of their gender. I'm not entirely sure what you are asking - if its whether calling myself bisexual is sending mixed signals, or whether the term itself is contradictory.

I call myself bisexual to the cisgendered straight community because I am romantically attracted to people regardless of gender, therefor opening myself to a non-sexual relationship with anyone. I didn't say 'pansexual' because I would have had to explain the inclusiveness of transgender people in that, and I feel uncomfortable talking about trans people because I may let slip that I'm trans by being too knowledgeable. And I don't say biromantic asexual because people seem to misunderstand asexuality more than they do non-heterosexual sexual orientations.

The term itself isn't contradictory because of a distinction between sexual attraction and romantic attraction. If you're interested, I'll let you google it because I think it was the above you were asking about.

On the subject of why I didn't ask him about it, it was because I left, put simply. I also don't know if he was just passing it on, or if it was from him.

@crazycatlord +@thesunalsorises

Hmm. He has a girlfriend. I think if it was him, he would have asked me not to say anything about it...


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09 Mar 2012, 11:56 pm

Is there any way you could contact this guy and just ask where the note came from? That way you wouldn't have to make any assumptions. Results: 1a) If it was him, OK now you know and 2) you can figure out what to do from there, or not. 1b) If it wasn't him, maybe he can tell you who it was from and 2) you can figure out what to do from there, or not.