questor wrote:
1. Are you getting enough hours of actual sleep? If not, get some rest. And some people need more than 8 hours, so get more than that if you are so sleepy.
2. See if your docs can offer non drowsy versions of your meds.
3. Have a sleep study done to see if you have sleep apnea.
Getting more than 8 hours per night.
Don't want to change my meds--I don't think they are a huge source of the problem, and my anxiety would really skyrocket. Very little else works. There are few meds that I have not tried.
I had a sleep study twice. First time was a simple night test. I hardly slept, and there was no apnea. I had special watch (with a light sensor and motion detector) a watch attached to me for one week a little later, they set me up for night/day sleep study. Slept 7 to 8 hours, then fell asleep all of the four times the had set up for possible sleep tests. Based on that, I was diagnosed with excessive daytime sleepiness/idiopathic hypersomia.