I have *so* been avoiding this forum so people don't think I'm a complete and total nutter >.> But this thread caught my attention! No one ever laughs at my jokes! >.<
Let's see...
Why are physicists so bad at sex? Because when they find the position, they can't find the momentum, and when they have the momentum, they can't find the position.
Oh! And the classic:
Murphy's Strings!
~ If you fix a mistake in a mathematical superstring calculation another one will show up somewhere else.
~ If your results are based on the work of others, then such work will turn out to be wrong.
~ The longer your article, the more likely your hard drive will fail whilst finishing the references.
~ The better your research result, the more likely it will be rejected by the referee of a journal. If your work is wrong but not obviously, it will be accepted for publication right away - beware immediate publishing!
~ If a result seems to good to be true, it is... unless. or course, you are one of the top ten string theorists in the multiverse.
~ Your most startling string-theoretic model ill turn out to be valid in only two, or less, spatial dimensions!
~ When giving a string seminar, nobody will follow anything you say after the first minute, but, if someone does, that person will point out a flaw in your model half-way through your lecture and, your grant review officer will happen to be in the audience.
~ If you discover an interesting string model, it will predict at least one low-energy, observable particle not seen in nature.
~ Anything in string theory that theoretically can go wrong will go wrong, but if nothing does go theoretically wrong, then experimentally it is ruled out! HA!
Hmmm... maybe more later, when I'm braver.