"Here are a few things you can do to occupy and stimulate yourself:
- There are more direct ways to boost your endorphins then exercising.
- Try to be funny when trolling, it will make you feel smarter and more interesting, boosting your self-esteem.
- Self-teach. There are a lot of resources on the internet, like the late hive, opiophile and erowid's rhodium archive where you can find a lot of useful information about science.
- Think of others! There are a lot of people with needs that you can help by virtue of the expertise acquired following the point above.
- Join a gang!
- Participate in various community activities--Theater, local fairs and art shows, sporting events, etc. - don't forget church clubs![b]"
OddFinn wrote:
I once read an article about a study, that indicated that trolling creates similar "high" as illegal drug usage.
Nope, sorry, not feeling it.
I've also done a bit of trolling to vent out. The idea was that if I would limit the more shameful part of my self to the internet it will never show in real life. I've noticed it had the opposite effect, with me being less polite then I was before.