Hey thanks for the responses guys :3. I guess it makes me hopeful that aspies can have (successful?) romantic experiences but at the same time I've never ever been approached by a guy for romantic purposes (or approached a guy, but I'm very shy and it would take a LOT to get me to do that).
So it seems most of you met significant others:
a) through friends/social life (which is a whole other discussion on how to find these xD)
b) online
Here's my story:
The one guy I've been with I met on a dating site when I was 18. We chatted on email/msn for about six months before meeting up and we thought we were perfect for each other. When we met up (it was a mutual decision, not one asking the other) he was VERY quiet and not what I was expecting. I never really hit it off with him in real life but I kept trying for just over a year before he broke up with me (which I won't go into). We had a lot of stupid little fights the whole time we were together (Which, in hindsight, I see were mainly a result of my own emotional immaturity. I do think I've improved significantly since then). We haven't talked since November 3rd 2011 and I'm perfectly fine with it, I don't miss him at all.
Though, something that worries me, is that the whole time we were together, I had ZERO sexual inclinations towards him. Absolute null zero and it made me a bit uncomfortable that he found me sexually interesting. I have felt sexually interested in guys before (though it's a fairly small percentage of people, I have ZERO interest in over 90% of the male population), but I've never been in a position with any of them where I could act on it so I really have no idea how I'd feel about that, I feel like it might be a lot more boring and/or uncomfortable in real life.