Sophist wrote:
Causation is one thing; correlation is another. Correlation just means that both tend to occur more often together than in the general population. Causation would imply that either the Aspergers caused the need for a c-section or the c-section caused the Aspergers.
I am willing to believe there is likely a correlation since it has been reported that an unexpected amount of ASD babies had unusual births (either premis, forced labor, c-section, obstetric complications, hypoxia, etc.). Sometimes it may complicate the Aspergers picture, since certain birth complications can actually lead to brain damage such as in the case of hypoxia, and add a further dimension to this Aspergian baby.
I for one was delivered c-section. My mother wasn't going into labor, I was almost a week late, and they then discovered I was too large for the birth canal (I was born 8lbs. 12 ounces and my mother is a small woman). So a c-section was the only option.
However, my APGAR scores were high so this would point away from unusual birth trauma for me.
WHOA!! !! What A minute! My birth WAS forced! My mothers doctor was about to go on vacation, and she wanted HIM!