Hi QualmX! Welcome to Wrong Planet! Check out the different forums and articles here. They are interesting and helpful. There is even a games forum here. You are among friends here at WP!
I am of Polish decent myself, but only speak a few words and phrases. There is just a little German way back, too, but I speak that better, due to taking three years of it in high school several decades ago.
Yes, you must definitely be having neurological processing problems--even more than the rest of us on the spectrum. In addition to our usual processing problems, you have to convert all input and output through your mental language converter. That's complicated enough for an NT, but add in your spectrum disorders, and you are doing triple work to deal with input and output. Not fun.
As for your physical problems, spectrum disorders often include motor skills and other physical problems, including sensitivities to loud noises, bright lights, smells, tastes, touch, and skin sensitivities, so yes, this may be a part of your Asperger's. Gee, and you only thought it came with social and mental processing issues. The Autism/Asperger's spectrum comes with a large assortment of possible traits that we can have in any combination, and at different strengths, from one person to the next. This is the main reason why it took the psych docs to recognize spectrum disorders for what they are. But wait! It gets even more exciting. Spectrum disorders are friendly--they often pal up with other disorders. Why am I laughing? I also have Avoident Personality Disorder (AvPD) and I believe I probably have Executive Function Disorder (EFT), too.
Hope you are able to find some effective coping methods, and get along better in life. Anyway, you will find WP to be a nice web site. I feel at home here.--Too much so, as I have been spending too much time on this site, and not getting my chores done.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau