Psyched for the Day of Dialogue~
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 14 Jan 2012
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Posts: 42
Location: Brookline, MA
It's comming up at my school! Next Thursday to be exact. c:
I've only celebrated that day once, but the first time I did was very enjoyable for a school day. First of all, I didn't have any regular classes, and I was mostly going to assemblies and panels which were quite interesting. Second of all, this year I will be introducing a few assemblies in the morning and I also get to participate in a Q&A session, which is something that I really look forward to. I'm also excited to hear about the stories of others and what it's like dealing with being LGBT, comming out, basically anything stories related. Not to mention that we even got a few speakers from Brazil, Japan, India, Afghanistan, England, and Russia to speak about what's going on in their country on that subject.
Since all our plans were confirmed at a GSA meeting today, all we have to do now it set up the school after vacation and wait for the big day!
And I can hardly sleep already. XD