FalsettoTesla wrote:
I'm not sure if this is an NT thing, but phrases like 'I haven't heard silence in a long time' and 'do the impossible' frustrating, because you can't do the impossible, and you can't hear silence. Silence is the absence of noise - and even if it were a sound, true silence cannot be heard by humans because just existing makes some noise. You can't do the impossible because it's impossible!
Not able to occur, exist, or be done: "an impossible task"; "impossible to keep up".
Yet when I say this to the people using those phrases I'm 'baiting them to start bickering', or 'being difficult', or I have a 'different opinion'.
It is not an opinion. It is fact. The improbable can be done, the impossible cannot.
Yeah, and nearly all idioms. They make me stressed.
This is a form of a logical paradox.
Why can't silence be a form of a sound? It is still on the decible scale is it not? I do not agree when you say "true silence cannot be heard by humans because just existing makes some noise" because there are those who only hear compete silence and these people are considered completely deaf.
I have a question myself. When the mathematicans say x/0 is undefined then by stating it is undefined then my question for them is by stating it is undefined are you not defining it? When someone says there is no answer is that not an answer in itself? I see these paradoxes in NT speech all of the time.
I'm about to resolve this type of paradox with what they are missing in their facts and refute what I say. They are missing the law of identity.
http://www.importanceofphilosophy.com/M ... ntity.html
The thing is everything that exists has specific attributes and characteristics that make it up whether the thing is concrete or abstract. The concept of sound has specific properties, characteristics and attributes that make it up.
Let's look at the definition of sound.
One characteristic of sound is that mechanical vibrations are produced through an elastic medium.
Another is there has to be cause.
a stimulation in the ear has to occur for one to hear this sound
With silence, none of these things truly happen. Silence does not cause vibrations in the ear. There is no cause for silence. Silence is the default. Mechanical vibrations are not produced through the air by silence.
It is the same with the term "defined." It has a specific set of properties that makes something defined. You are right this is a fact. The problem is they have erronous philosophy based upon not knowing the law of identity.
My advice to you is when NTs do that and are inaccurate just let them do it and grin and bare it unless it is a safety issue that crops up.