Nightrain wrote:
I'm defining gender by physical differences. Right now I have a typically female body and it feels very awkward and somehow 'wrong', I would really like to have a more physically male body and be more comfortable. Some of it has to do with the way society treats different genders but for me it's more the physical aspect. Hope this makes sense.
I might be able to understand that, this is a very inapt comparison but it's probably the closest I'm going to get.
Not too long ago I went to the gym, only to realise that I had left my shoes at home and whithout any chance of going home and be back in time I only had the option between not working out, or do it anyway minus shoes. What surprised me the most was how strongly I reacted to this extreamly irrelevent thing, since nothing I was doing in there really required shoes, and I felt really out of place. Althou most of the feeling went away quickly, it still nagged at me the entire time.
smudge wrote:
I don't feel like I'm in the wrong body, but I dislike being female and wish I had a penis. Yet if I changed sex, I would feel like a fake, and mutated. I suppose if surgery wasn't so complicated though, then I'd say yes to a penis, and the rest of me would stay female.
What does that make me? Confused? Or suffering from penis-envy?
Since I don't know where you live, social rules of clothes or how you dress already I'll just ask, and if this is not an option just ignore it, but are you (in societys opinion) using more male clothing, and in that case, does femal clothes make you feel more uncomfortable?
Merely courious.
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