Study predicts 42 percent of Americans will be obese in 2030
Study predicts 42 percent of Americans will be obese in 2030
And why shouldn't they be fat? The story about the death of the fat cat proves health food kills.

*some atheist walks outside and picks up stick*
some atheist to stick: "You're like me!"

Joined: 12 Feb 2010
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In the deep south we are showing leadership. We are already there.
More than a third a hundred pounds overweight, about half of them closer to two hundred pounds over.
I have not felt this way since I was a child in a room full of adults, but these are younger than myself.
One local made the news for being barred from airlines, as too fat to fly.
This has been a recent development, and if this story is just following the curve, no time machine, I would point out the severely obese are not stopping at two hundred pounds over, they continue to gain, five hundred pounds becoming common.
Quarter ton humans are a whole new problem.

Joined: 12 Feb 2010
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ok, where will the duckie$$ come from, to pay for all these extra doctors and trainers and what have you? surely not from the american obese, 1/6 of whom cannot afford adequate health care [as it is not funded here in the land of the wageslave] as it is. what will happen [unless enough people in power wise up and grow hearts real quicklike] is that people here will simply die, and to a certain coldblooded extent, the "problem" will fix itself.

A little reality, unless you get stepped on, it is not so bad.
What we lack in Humanity, we more than make up for in Automanity. While Air, Water and Food rank with smoking as causes of death, from 1 to 35, cars kill more than anything, and after that a close second.
The only fair part is everyone dies of something.
If it is true smokers die ten years sooner, lying statistics, if you look at who lives to be a hundred, we should give them gifts, free cigeretttes, for not spending 85 to 95 in a very expensive nursing home.
The American plan, a vast majority of health spending is in the last six months of life, keeping them too drugged up to know they are alive.
Thin rich people live longer, so fat poor people are just wrong.
While perfect body size is pushed from every direction, not everyone is, this is a lie sold by arobics instructers.
Through history paintings show fat people, as a good thing.
Rubens painted naked fat girls, for todays version was busy dying of consumption in the pest house.
Up to WWII, fat girls were hot, After the war sexually undefined starving war orphans with dark sunken eyes were a sex symbol.
The same happened around WWI, the painting of the very big girl over the bar, gave way to flat chested Flappers with boy haircuts, and little girl dresses.
The whole concept of health is weird, something to make money.
Since it's introduction, the automobile has killed more people than wars, plagues, and it is fair, near random, and the population would be twice what we have now without it. No one complains, they just want better kill mileage.
While 5,000 died in Iraq, American cars got a half million.
The real problem is short people, they are everywhere, and most do not grow out of it.
50% of adults are shorter than the other 50%.
What we lack in Humanity, we more than make up for in Automanity. While Air, Water and Food rank with smoking as causes of death, from 1 to 35, cars kill more than anything, and after that a close second.
The only fair part is everyone dies of something.
If it is true smokers die ten years sooner, lying statistics, if you look at who lives to be a hundred, we should give them gifts, free cigeretttes, for not spending 85 to 95 in a very expensive nursing home.
The American plan, a vast majority of health spending is in the last six months of life, keeping them too drugged up to know they are alive.
Thin rich people live longer, so fat poor people are just wrong.
While perfect body size is pushed from every direction, not everyone is, this is a lie sold by arobics instructers.
Through history paintings show fat people, as a good thing.
Rubens painted naked fat girls, for todays version was busy dying of consumption in the pest house.
Up to WWII, fat girls were hot, After the war sexually undefined starving war orphans with dark sunken eyes were a sex symbol.
The same happened around WWI, the painting of the very big girl over the bar, gave way to flat chested Flappers with boy haircuts, and little girl dresses.
The whole concept of health is weird, something to make money.
Since it's introduction, the automobile has killed more people than wars, plagues, and it is fair, near random, and the population would be twice what we have now without it. No one complains, they just want better kill mileage.
While 5,000 died in Iraq, American cars got a half million.
The real problem is short people, they are everywhere, and most do not grow out of it.
50% of adults are shorter than the other 50%.
There is a difference between fat and obese. The subjects of Ruben's paintings were not consistently obese either.
"Power is the reason that we all are fighting for, control your body, your soul and heart. Yes- some of us who surrender are like lambs to the slaughter; get the power & try harder to reach the next stage."
There is a big difference between the picture you get in your head when you hear the word obese and what a person who fits the technical definition may look like.
If your success is defined as being well adjusted to injustice and well adapted to indifference, then we don?t want successful leaders. We want great leaders- who are unbought, unbound, unafraid, and unintimidated to tell the truth.
Through history paintings show fat people, as a good thing.
Actually, we can find present day cases...
Force-feeding in Mauritania: Beauty in the eye of male beholders (link)
Force-feeding, otherwise known as leblouh , is forced on girls from as young as five. Girls are sent to “fattening farms” (5) during their school holidays where they undergo hours of feeding before being told to sleep. This is done until the girl has developed wings of fat around her abdomen, arms and thighs. Stretch-marks are considered extremely beautiful and when a girl is covered in them she will easily find a husband. Mothers and grandmothers will cross sticks around the girl's ankles or toes and squeeze the ends until the girl screams, at which point food is thrown down her throat. Girls are fed anywhere up to 20 litres of milk a day, as well as copious amounts of couscous mixed with generous quantities of butter (6). If girls induce vomiting or vomit because they cannot eat anymore, they are forced to eat their vomit, so that they are less likely to vomit again. Sticks are rolled on the girl's thighs to break down the tissue in the muscle and speed up fattening. “A successful fattening process will see a 12-year-old weigh 80kg,” (7) resulting in her looking twice her age and therefore, also easier to marry off at this young age.
Mauritanians - like the rest of the world - have felt the effects of growing food prices which has resulted in women making use of other means to gain weight. Many will buy exorbitant amounts of steroids that are designed for cattle, which results in the girls putting on the “necessary” weight, however, the effects of such drugs are even more dangerous than that of force-feeding.
I was still trying to get my brain around a society that would think an 80kg 12 year old is a good thing when they threw in that stuff about force-feeding their daughters cow steroids.

"The man who has fed the chicken every day throughout its life at last wrings its neck instead, showing that more refined views as to the uniformity of nature would have been useful to the chicken." ? Bertrand Russell

It appears that Mauretanians have never heard of high-fructose corn syrup. They could learn a thing or two from the Western "food" industry.
Exactly. More obesity and more disease = rapid economic growth in the health care and pharmaceutical industry. Growth is a good thing! That's why health care systems and capitalism are so utterly incompatible.
ok, where will the duckie$$ come from, to pay for all these extra doctors and trainers and what have you? surely not from the american obese, 1/6 of whom cannot afford adequate health care [as it is not funded here in the land of the wageslave] as it is. what will happen [unless enough people in power wise up and grow hearts real quicklike] is that people here will simply die, and to a certain coldblooded extent, the "problem" will fix itself.

But most people can afford antacids, laxatives, insulin, weight loss drugs, vitamin pills that are supposed to make up for nutritional deficiencies, and whatever else people buy to manage the side effects of an unhealthy diet. And of course they can afford more and more junk food and convenience food, just like junkies always find a way to pay for the next hit. Processed food is actually cheaper than real, natural food items.
These are scary predictions for sure. When I grew up I heard very often "go outside and play" so I did and I did enjoy playing outside and sometimes was very imaginative. Later on in high school I joined the swim team and jogged in the off season with the swim team. In college I went to an aerobics class on a regular basis or walked a few times per week. Exercise can be a regular habit and avoiding large portions is possible. It does often take some discipline and will power.
I like eating dark chocolate it has antioxidants
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."
Last edited by Gazelle on 11 May 2012, 8:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The projections don't really surprise me. It is just sad that we have people starving all over the world and in a few select countries people are so overweight that they are dying from it. The world and wealth are so unbalanced.
Being obese has more health risks than smoking, so I don't understand why there isn't a big backlash over it like there was smoking. It is one thing to be naturally overweight, but it is another thing to be morbidly obese solely due to a bad diet and lack of exercise.
I used to be a morbidly obese person but I began to recognize that my body was screaming at me to adopt better habits. And so I did and I lost 50+ pounds. I wish other people would do the same. =(
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