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16 May 2012, 9:01 pm

I'm not going to make this a poll because that would be too easy :) Instead, I'd prefer to either hear whether you are not a good judge or if you are, why?
Personally, I think I'm surprisingly good considering that I'm not exactly socially adept. I often find that my assessments of people bear out with experience (although that could be self-fulfilling and is entirely anecdotal). Regardless, I think this is because I'm in the sometimes awkward position of having to analyze behavioral clues as opposed to relying on a "gut" reaction. What have you found in your experience?


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16 May 2012, 9:27 pm

I think I'm a reasonably good judge of character.

I have gut instincts that normally see me right, otherwise being an aspie for me is like having a built-in filter - if they instantly discount me as ignorant or arrogant without getting to know me those are the people who normally bad-mouth me and are simply not worth knowing, the people who become me friends are those who took the time to forgive me my oddities and learn about who I am.

Granted this doesn't always work, I am often prone to seeing the best in people so although I don't let bad people into my life I do miss some of the less favourable characteristics of people at first, and on occasion I have been fooled by those who fake being good people - but then this was when I was younger and I wasn't the only one taken-in by this person.


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Last edited by Bloodheart on 16 May 2012, 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Pileated woodpecker
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16 May 2012, 9:50 pm

not always. I notice that I have judged a whole bunch of people in my life negatively my first time meeting them only to realize some of them were the most admirable people I've ever met. The reason I do this is because if someone is overly aggressive, prideful or loud I tend to get very uncomfortable and that leads to me overestimating or just putting too much emphasis on that fault.

One of my high school PE teachers is an example of this, everything I ever heard about him from other students was bad, and from the moment i went to my first class with him I wanted to get out. His voice was loud and demanding, he took sports way to seriously (I am not skilled at or all that interested in them.) He often yelled and would call students names like punk or clown. He even had a mean looking face. He ended up being one of my favorite teachers of all time. In actuality he was just very intolerant of disrespect towards himself and other students. He didn't care if you were good at sports, only that you tried. His personality was one that commanded respect, a type that is very rare in schools these days.


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16 May 2012, 10:59 pm

I have not been good at it, in the past. I think the biggest reason is because I didn't listen to myself. If I wanted to be in a relationship with someone I would second guess my own doubts about them, and stuff them away. Now that I am older, it has been a long journey but I can actually listen to my own opinions and not be as easily swept away by the "show" or what someone seems to be on the surface. I know I have a hard time judging if people are safe or not, so I have to be aware of things like: What are the persons actions? Do they do what they say they will do, or do they have a ton of excuses? Do they take responsibility for their behaviors or is life all someone elses fault? Are they responsible with their appearance, health, appointments, finances, etc? People who are not mature enough to take care of themselves, or admit the areas they need help in, are not going to be strong partners. That is what I've learned. I am not perfect by any means, but I can accept the facts of what things are my strengths or weaknesses so I won't try to hide those areas in order to get people to like me.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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17 May 2012, 3:07 am

I tend to pre-judge people a bit, it works out to be quite efficient so I can avoid having to deal with people who I don't like. My gut is usually quite accurate, certainly not 100% though. Having said that, I do tend to see the best in people so sometimes people who I think are reliable if they just straight up lie to me I'll believe them, then usually realise some time later that they lied.


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17 May 2012, 8:25 am

I am good at judging people if i see them interacting with others, but not when they are interacting with me. Most of my life i have been a fairly invisible person, so i got to watch others interact with my immediate family. So i can see inconsistencies in their behaviour and tell my family about it. Those have always been right, but at the same time when it comes to me, i am very bad at it. I regularly take people on face value and get into trouble because of it.

Disclaimer: Not diagnosed but have traits.


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17 May 2012, 11:17 am

I am similar in that behavioral cues are beyond me, but my "gut" instinct never fails. It's almost as if I don't understand people, but I can "feel" them. Even my mom has always said that I have amazing instinct when it comes to people. Something happened to me several decades ago, but I will never forget it. I was working in as a cocktail waitress in a nightclub, and the manager introduced to one of his friends. Despite the fact that I was pretty drunk and that tends to dull a persons senses, I have never in my entire life met anyone that exuded evil the way this person did. It was really scary, and I can feel it as if it was yesterday. It wasn't anything he said, but it was like an aura. I never saw him again, so I can't say it was correct, but that's how it goes for me. I have a lot of sensory issues, and I almost wonder if it has to do with heightened senses.


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18 May 2012, 1:41 pm

I'm not very good at judging characters at all. I tend to think the best of people and don't like to judge people prematurely. There can be millions of reason to why a person would behave in a certain way so who am I to judge?

Figuring out a character can take a long time for me


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19 May 2012, 12:16 am

Blergh! Well, it's been proven to me in the last couple of days that I'm actually pretty bad at this.
Which, truthfully, is a disappointment on so very many levels.

Sea Gull
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19 May 2012, 2:18 am

I tend to be pessimistic and have a bad view of people based on a select few instincts they may lead me to judge people the wrong way without knowing their personality.

However, I do consider myself a good judge of character.


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19 May 2012, 10:16 am

I would say that I'm actually a really good judge of character. It's not too often that people surprise me lol.


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19 May 2012, 12:37 pm

I think that I'm a good judge of character.

I'm much better than I used to be, as I am less gullible these days. Plus I tend to stay back and use my powers of observation.

I have this desire to classify people.

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19 May 2012, 4:52 pm

I would say most of the time I'm a good judge of character, but then again, most of the time, I can be very gullible too. That can be a bad sign sometimes.

Thanks for reading,


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20 May 2012, 4:04 am

I tend to dislike almost everyone to some extent so I cant say I have a good judgement on people. But I have gotten better at reading people and making out what there character could be off of a few interactions. But I tend to have a cynical view on most people due to lack of fitting in. But then this is something I am going to have to get over.


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20 May 2012, 6:27 am

Am I a good judge of character? I'll let you be the judge of that ;)


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20 May 2012, 10:15 am

I think I am exceptionally good. There have been quite a few times over the years I've taken a dislike to someone and was doubted by others only to be proven right and have the person/people who doubted me come back and tell me, something along the lines of 'you were right about that c*nt'.