Everything that can gone wrong has gone wrong for me today. I went to start a job and was then told that the manager who hired me was transfered. Then my new used-car that I have only had a month broke down and smoked a bit. I had a meltdown in the parking lot of the bank and people threatened to call the cops on me for disturbing the peace by screaming. Yesterday I was told that I needed to work on hand/eye coordination and screwed up my sculpture. The day before someone that has to do with my special interest blocked my face book account. They accused me of being rude and selfish. I have yet to understand why. Then I was put on financial aid probation because I have been to school before in 2003 and the system is f****d. Life can really suck ass.
?During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" ~George Orwell
"I belive in God, only I spell it Nature."
~ Frank Llyod Wright