WOW! Norah,
To tell you the truth, they say similar crazy things about males! Some MYTHS!?!?
NONE of that is true, but even some MEN claim it! HECK, the same is said of Americans, French, Germans, Irish, etc....
HEY, can it be true of some? SURE! I am part german, Irish, and male, yet this isn't true of me. My maternal grandmother even thought she might be part french.(She was irish catholic, so this is like making her a black sheep!)
Anyway, I guess it is like any other thing. Some jewish people would probably shun me just because I am part german. Not too long ago, I would probably have had a problem getting hired in the US because I am part Irish. And YEP, some women have bad ideas about men. Frankly, I haven't told anyone about my beliefs. Maybe it is better that way. People ALWAYS seem to treat you a little different if they have preconcieved notions about something they find out about you.
BTW INTERESTING thing! A lot of people talk about masons like they are EVIL, and claim some secret organization called "knights of templar" DOES exist, and might be associated with the masons! I found out the TRUTH! Want to hear?
1. The Knights of templar DO exist, and aren't secret!
2. They ARE masons, ALSO NOT a secret!
3. Some masons got together one day and started a PHILANTHROPIC organization! The name? The shriners!
Yet all those lies were told, and believed! I don't know about special agreements, etc... They may exist. Who knows. The fact is that they aren't evil, etc...
So why am I here? I'm CURIOUS! I almost want to gt back to my roots. Some of the quirks would be welcomed for more of the benefits. As for me?
1. I look normal!
2. I am usually left to myself, so physical things, outside of handshakes, usually don't happen.
3. Light and alarm issues only happen 1-3 times a year and it isn't like I am screaming, etc... and it is brief.
4. Outside of an umbilical hernia I never bothered to get fixed and that nobody knows about, and a little arthritis caused by older age and a mineral deficiency I eventually diagnosed(doctors thought I was OK for YEARS, and then magically diagnosed the arthritis), and a dissected aorta(just dumb luck), I am healthy.
5. According to IQ tests, my problem solving skills, and people that know me, I am pretty smart.
6. The fact that I am agnostic, not interested in sports or other senseless activities, and lacking social skills is the only real problem. My reflexs could be better, but I don't know how much is due to the lack of sports, etc....
7. ALSO, I have had lots of obsessive interests and have gotten to where I was obviously well informed on each.
Outside of my early hyperlexia(BTW I use the term in its REAL and original meaning of HYPER (over/excessive) LEXIA(language). There are some sites that CLAIM to list "symptoms" of hyperlexia, and end up listing all the symptoms of autism. They have that BACKWARDS! They are talking about autism, where hyperlexia may be a symptom. That is one of the main symptoms that distinguishes regular autism from AS. ), and some early autistic behaviour, the skewed senses are about the only thing that makes me think I am autistic. I have always been in normal schools, and treated by the schools as if I was normal.
Still, it IS interesting. I never had a problem understanding language as used(Writen OR spoken). That is a bigger feat than some may realize, having to deal with mispronunciations, accents, etc... People are more likely to misunderstand ME! That is one reason why I am learning 2 of the languages I'm learning.