I have over the years developed many tics and jerky body movements which come and go, i have gone many months without one, but when i develop one i just CAN'T STOP doing it! i know i'm doing it and i want to stop but i just can't. Recently i developed this thing where i kept bending my neck to one side, i was convinced i was going to break my neck! eventually i felt something weird happen in my neck which felt like something bursting and hot liquid bursting out, i was so worried and it was late at night, i went to A & E!! I explained that i was worried i had damaged my neck, i explained why and the nurse looked at me as if i was mad, she explained to me that i can bend my neck as much as i like, by doing that movement i cannot damage my neck, all it does is use the two large muscles at the front, and that the bursting sensation i felt was probably a muscle being pulled. i felt very silly i'm not the type to run to A & E departments for no reason, i just got so worked up convincing myself i had damaged my neck. I think when it gets to such a silly stage as that then its a problem, should i seek help? and what is it? tourettes?, OCD?