Sons services ended "Your expectations are too high&quo
I am a full-time stay at home dad of 3 children in total. Our middle son Loki was diagnosed with autism about a year a half ago, he is non-verbal and very physically active(his sense of balance is astounding) he is also very oral with both edible and non-edible items. He first started TSS/BSC, about a year and ago. Our goals for Loki from the very beginning have been ensuring his overall happiness, keeping him safe(he has no sense of fear it seems) and increasing his communication(be it verbal, using PECS, or sign language or otherwise.)
Our sons' sleep patterns include at least once a week being up most of the night - he still gets a solid 8-10 hours of sleep but because of these sleep patterns when we first started services we insisted on whoever our sons TSS/BSC be that they be able to come after 12 noon and show consistency in regards to the days and times that they come. Other than that we made the request that if a TSS/BSC (or a member of their household) is sick with something contagious that they don't come. (We do not think it is worth chancing our son becoming sick especially since he is unable to communicate it) Since we first started services our son has had 3 different BSCs and 4 different TSSs.
Between the 3rd TSS and fourth there was a 3 month gap where he received no TSS services. Then when the fourth TSS came she was here 2 days and what I was told was that with her back, she couldn't physically handle working with our son. Since that time we met with Lokis BSC and he told us that at this time they were going to have to cancel services for Loki. When I asked the reason I was told that no one there could meet my expectations. When I asked specifically what expectations those were I was told that wanting someone to come around 3 pm were the expectations that were too high. I then told the BSC that the time of 3 pm was never set in stone, that it was for the benefit of the TSS because that time is from our experience when Loki is most open to interactions with someone else.
Lokis current BSC is the reason we want to stay with the company we are with, we were told by the BSC that he asked if he could just stay on the case until another TSS was found and he was told no he couldn't. Something doesn't seem right here, any questions or insights would be greatly appreciated.
Last edited by chessxcore on 18 Jun 2012, 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
As a parent, you have to do what you feel comfortable doing for your child. You are your childs greatest advocate.
For us, I think we hit the jackpot with our son's special ed teacher. For the first 2 weeks he cried, but she held him and rocked him and somehow got him to keep working, through his tears. After those 2 weeks, he looks through the window for her when I tell him she is close. And opens the door for her and greets her.
Because of that, I would not mind if she is sick or any member of her household. I also don't mind the time she get's here. She get's here anywhere between 11:00 - 11:30 am and stays for 2 hours. That time works best for her and my son has learned to adjust to that time. I want him to learn to adjust to these things since this is how the real world works.
I also like the continuity of having one person and I don't want any interruption in services so we are all in agreement. She has bonded with my son and him with her, so I couldn't ask for anything better. My son is 3 yo and has communication delays.
Thank you for your input i appreciate it. I spoke with his provider after posting this and clearly let them know the timing isn't as important as the consistency. In the past whenever we had woken Loki up he has been in meltdown mode. Recently we got a family dog and two mornings ago i witnessed our new dog Mia lick Lokis face while he was asleep.. Loki woke up with a grin on his face and was ready to start his day. I hope that we can find the right person, we have definitely found the right BSC.
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