IlovemyAspie wrote:
This question is for the AS folks. How do you handle compliments? Do they make you uncomfortable? How exactly do they make you feel? I ask because I find that when I compliment my special someone (has AS) says he said he has a hard time knowing what to say. I told him "Thank You" is usually appropriate and so he's started doing that. I thought it was interesting that he had a hard time with compliments and wondered what were your experiences.
As a very short man, I've learned to question
whether compliments are said sincerely,
or out of pity / patronizing demeanor.
Mostly I get compliments for my artistic abilities
that amount to, "I wish I could draw/paint like
that. [pointing]"
to which I typically reply, "You can. What's stopping you?"
I appreciate their sentiment, but their statements are evidently false.
If their wishes were sincere, they would put in the time
and practice that I have.
When friends compliment my intelligence with no indicated
that stumps me. I usually go silent, or ask
them how I have conveyed that impression. I would
gladly dispel this favorable impression if in return I could
escape the impression
others have that I'm an idiot,
because I am neither extreme.
Curiosity is the greatest virtue.