shampooguru wrote:
I am 49, and only last year came to understand that I have Asperger's. While I have managed to form relationships, one lasting over 10 years, and my current in year 4, I have never managed to form close friendships outside of my spousal relationships, and forming friendships, at all, within the Gay Community has been next to impossible. My diagnosis offered clarity to the reasons that I never fit in, but I was already well aware of the the mismatch even before I had a name for it.
I would love to hear from others, gay or straight, who only became aware of their autism in later life and how this realization has or has not affected you.
I do very well when I'm around my relatives, the people I grew up with. I'm trying to move out of that comfort zone now, though, because my relatives won't be around forever, especially now that I'm older. I'm interested in what you just said about a relationship with someone being the primary thing. I think that while that's still not a perfect solution, people get by under those conditions because the friendship piece of the puzzle with acquaintances and friends just isn't an easy thing to do. I think my priority right now is the relationship piece, and worry about how to make just regular friends later on when I have time to learn those social skills.