I was wondering, people who zone out or daydream...

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30 Jun 2012, 1:18 pm

I was wondering, people who zone out or daydream...

Do you have the same daydreams over and over again, with maybe minor changes?

Do you have the same conversations over an over again in your head or think about the same things over an over, sometimes gaining a little more insight each time?

Do you loose track of time, waste a lot of time, staring at the ceiling or pacing the floor doing this? Is this normal?


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30 Jun 2012, 4:30 pm

I believe everything you itemize is "normal." When these proclivities, comforts, habits, what have you, interject on other activities you desire doing but cannot, then it's time to consider the words "not normal."

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30 Jun 2012, 4:59 pm

I can't say if its right or wrong all I know is I do the same kind of things, yes I have daydreams and sometimes feel like I'm living them, I can't say if its normal, but then again normal is overrated anyway....
I like to use my day dreaming for a purpose, I write a lot of songs and create artwork out of them, I'm probably wasting half my world away, but then again time you enjoy wasting isn't a waist of time ;)


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30 Jun 2012, 5:36 pm

My daydreams contain the same themes that I have been using since I was a teenager. The only things that really change are the characters who inhabit my daydreams, but otherwise the daydreams themselves haven't changed much.

I also prefer to pace or run while daydreaming, preferably while listening to music. For some reason being in motion kicks my imagination into high gear.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Jun 2012, 6:18 pm

It's just the characters that have changed for me. The themes have stayed the same. I use it as a form of escapism, get away from my own sucky life for a while.
I usually do it when I'm in bed at night, just lay and think, or when I'm walking alone


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30 Jun 2012, 7:06 pm

Themes change gradually over time. Since I have reached the Half Century mark, I tend towards memories more than daydreams these days. However, my picture-oriented mind has me re-live my memories. Which can be an awfully painful thing to do.
When I do the daydreaming, and I still do a little, it may be more hobby related than the elaborate stories I made up in my younger days.
It does take a LOT of energy to totally imerse yourself into a world you make,. I had to make scenes, plots, etc. One reason I loved creative writing in High school. But there were entire years I spent doing that.



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30 Jun 2012, 8:47 pm

My daydreams are quite variable. I often do go over the same general ideas, but I'll do them a bit differently each time, and probably between 50-75% of my daydreams are new material (at least as far as I can remember). Daydreaming is how I'll work out how I'm going to do a project I want to do, such as a story I'm planning to write. Also, daydreaming motivates me to do it - if I keep finding myself daydreaming about the same idea, it's time to actually do something with it.


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30 Jun 2012, 9:09 pm

For me it tends to be perceived mistakes from the past Its like a nasty reminder at time what not to do.

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30 Jun 2012, 10:34 pm

Do you have the same daydreams over and over again, with maybe minor changes?

Do you have the same conversations over an over again in your head or think about the same things over an over, sometimes gaining a little more insight each time?

Do you loose track of time, waste a lot of time, staring at the ceiling or pacing the floor doing this? Is this normal?

Yes... Yes... Yes, although for me the sound of a running fan seems to amp it up better than pacing does, and I'm not very concerned about the "normal" thing.

Only characters have changed over time for me. I imagine themes will change too, though. (Eventually...)

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01 Jul 2012, 1:41 am

Yes. I have the same daydreams over and over, sometimes they change slightly or I add something new. If I ever start a new story it's usually similar characters and a similar theme. I can space out for ages just daydreaming, I also daydream at night to help me sleep. I've always considered it normal but I dont really know if it is.

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01 Jul 2012, 1:46 am

The daydreams are all pretty different; it depends on the mood I'm in and if anything is stressing me out enough to keep thinking about it. Sometimes happy things make me daydream.
As for the same conversations, yes, yes I do. I keep thinking about how I could have changed what I said, and sometimes my thoughts will cause me to become emotional, say things to myself, or even have random facial expressions.

Something will distract me in the distance, and then I notice myself "leaving." When people talk, I'll hear them, but I won't necessarily process what they're saying. I pace a TON, sometimes I'll stand in one spot, or just gaze at nothing. Maybe I'll focus on small details of something, like a picture, analyze it, and then drift off thinking about other stuff. Really depends.


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01 Jul 2012, 11:51 am

Marybird wrote:
I was wondering, people who zone out or daydream...

Do you have the same daydreams over and over again, with maybe minor changes?

Do you have the same conversations over an over again in your head or think about the same things over an over, sometimes gaining a little more insight each time?

Do you loose track of time, waste a lot of time, staring at the ceiling or pacing the floor doing this? Is this normal?


My "imagination" tends to be a repeating loop.

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