[quote="Callista"]Not that we can't learn. As the most striking example, you might have someone who's autistic with mild social symptoms, severe language and behaviors/interests symptoms, and their social symptoms vanish when they get to adulthood, leaving them with PDD-NOS and very little impairment in reading non-verbals despite their obvious autism.
I think the main difference between NTs and autistics is more of a difference in which things you naturally learn best, a continuum rather than a yes/no thing. Comparing autistic to NT is more like comparing a fast runner to a slow runner; not so much like comparing somebody who can't run to somebody who can.
NTs just have an easier time learning some things, just like non-dyslexic people have an easier time learning to read.[/quote
Those are good points you have made and an interesting analogy. It seems from what I have learned the past 4 months since I have come to learn I am NLD/ASD/PDD-NOS possibly, that persons with ASD can sometimes learn certain things easier than NT's. So it is interesting and it does help to focus on the positives someone can do rather than not do. The whole misreading non-verbal cues thing is a mystery to me because most of my life I thought I could do that and did not realize my shyness and social anxiety were somewhat related to NLD/ASD.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."