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04 Jul 2012, 8:56 am

So I*m trying to get healthier and hopefully even loose some weigh. What I've found out is that there are certain food items that just don't work for me. Either I get really bloated or my stomach gets upset or my blood sugar is going all over the place or my asperger and add get worse. Or sometimes all of above. The weird thing is, that even though I know this stuff makes me sick I crave it all the time. I'm so used to eat whatever I want that it's hard to resist when your body screams for something you know is bad for it. Stuff I know is bad for me is:
-high prosessed food
-candy (especially fruit candies that are full of color chemicals)
-too much carbs, especially wheat
-too much fat and salt
-aspartame (I've understood this is really common for people with as/ ad(h)d
-food fried in a certain kind of oil
-spicy food

There are probably more, but that's all I can think of now. Like I said, I used to eat carbs and aspartame and prosessed food all the time. It's really hard to suddenly just turn 32 years of bad eating habbits around, but I know that I'll feel better.

Are there any food items you know is bad for you (even if you're not allergic to it)? What are they?


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04 Jul 2012, 9:15 am

Dairy and gluten are particuarly bad for people with Autism


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04 Jul 2012, 9:21 am

markb wrote:
Dairy and gluten are particuarly bad for people with Autism
I've never had problems with dairy. Gluten is the same thing as carbs, right? (sorry, english isn't my first langauage). It makes me feel really bloated and sluggish. I used to eat a whole loaf of white bread a day, now I only eat crisp bread. I'm trying to watch my rice and pasta intake too.


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04 Jul 2012, 9:39 am

Heidi80 wrote:
markb wrote:
Dairy and gluten are particuarly bad for people with Autism
I've never had problems with dairy. Gluten is the same thing as carbs, right? (sorry, english isn't my first langauage). It makes me feel really bloated and sluggish. I used to eat a whole loaf of white bread a day, now I only eat crisp bread. I'm trying to watch my rice and pasta intake too.

No, gluten is wheat protein.

For me, Aspartame and artificial sweeteners are a big big one. I used to have regular migraines while drinking and eating lots of things with Aspartame, and I'd get rapid heart rate, sorta blurry vision, etc. That's one thing I'm not just intolerant too, but it seems it'll f*****g make me violently ill.

And now, lots of carbs. I think I insulin spike or whatever too quick with them. Basically, I can eat a reasonable meal of bacon, eggs, etc, and be "full" but then carbs I can eat like a few thousand calories in a sitting and still be hungry a short time later.

Beef and milk products if I have them too much do seem to bring on a little acne. I don't know if that's because it's beef, or if it's because the cows are so hormonally treated and fed corn syrup to fatten them up.

One thing for bread I've realized is, rye and me get along much better than wheat, there's less like "sugar rush" and crash from rye bread. I'm also pretty OK with potatoes, for the most part. One thing most wheat breads got is high fructose corn syrup, too. Yay... But now I buy fresh bakery rye bread, still obviously made with some wheat flour, and I get along well with it.


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04 Jul 2012, 9:43 am

Processed food really doesn't suit me - microwave meals, sweets and fizzy drinks for example

A combination of dairy and fat does not suit me so cheese, ice cream, full fat milk and cream are out - if I eat them the effects are more embarrassing than uncomfortable! I'm OK with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk however. I avoid fizzy drinks with caffeine as that does not agree with me, and sweets containing E numbers as well as sugar. I avoid salt although I don't think that effects me negatively in a way I can tell, but I know that it is not good for me.

Generally I try to eat a reasonably healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, and starchy food. I try and make all my meals from scratch. I find that is often cheaper too.


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04 Jul 2012, 12:04 pm

After I eliminated cheese, milk, and gluten items from my diet, I had 100% better digestive health. I had stomach ulcer type problems for several years, I lived in tums and zantac and had horrible, unspeakable bouts of every bad stomach/intestinal problem you can imagine. Now I have normal, healthy digestion. As a plus, I've lost over 20 pounds in the last six months and had to buy smaller pants. I don't exactly exercise alot either, I do water aerobics twice a week.

I find it easier to focus on what is GOOD for you to eat rather than focus what I have to avoid. :D Stay positive and you can reach your goals!

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04 Jul 2012, 1:49 pm

More often that not the reason people have problem with digestion is because they sit to much, dont get enough excercise, that was the problem for me atleast.

I dont do anything special to live healthy other than the plain obvious.

No Soda
No Candy besides 1 day each week.
No Cake.
No Fastfood.
No butter and such on rye bread
Avoid white bread mostly again its a rare occasion thing, not something thats good every day or even every week.

My dinner is mostly chicken filet with no fat and veggies, chicken made in the oven no fat, and veggies made in microwave.

Then i eat nuts to make sure i get fat, because fat is important.

Run / walk about 3 times a week, monday, wednesday and friday for about an hour.

No major, nothing special at all. just a lot of simple little things here and there.

Im amazed that people actually drink other stuff than water, but i guess the problem is that once you eat to much of the bad stuff it makes healthy stuff taste worse, atleast thats how it is for me, ive done some tests. when your body adapts to soda, pure clean water tastes like crap lol.

But when you havent been drinking soda for a long time, water tastes amazing, its all i drink, well besides a bit of milk and some fruit juice. Soda doesnt even help your thirst, i become hyperactive of all that sugar not to mention for thirsty, soda is just so pointless. And soda can REALLY make you fat, i have trouble gaining weight, but soda can make me fat, because you can gain so many calories, your basically drinking almost pure sugar water.

Rye bread,

Stuff like that helps Digestive system a lot. the problem is the human body isnt made to sit down ironicly, there is almost nothing as bad as just sitting. I expect i will start to walk atleast every day and still run 3 days in the future, but after many years just being to lazy, it takes some time for the body to adapt to being active.

The most important thing when people healthy is to not just stand on your weight every day, weight doesnt really mean much, I can see ive become more healthy, even thought my weight is the same why?, because ive lost fat and gained muscles. Weight is not a good indicator alone ofc unless you are really over weight. body fat % is the best way to see progress.

Was reading on the internet the other day, apperently some people think how you loose weight is to almost not eat, i find that kinda funny, i mean no wonder people dont loose weight, if you dont eat enough and eat regulary the body doesnt know when it will get food again, so it will store almost everything as fat. So while you might loose weight it will be muscles and not fat.

The key to loosing weight is to eat! but eat right. Just make small changes, ofcourse its doomed to fail, for people who eat junkfood and candy every day and suddenly stops. Its like people are in a hurry. back when i ate a lot, i simply starting cutting day, 1 healthy day a week, then suddenly 2 days a week with healthier food, then 3. slow and steady wins the race :D


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04 Jul 2012, 2:22 pm

Gluton in general is a great evil of foods. All oils outside of extra virgin olive oil are VERY bad too, especially vegetable oil. Butter is actually good for you (compared to that other trash) but here's a test you can do to see how "healthy" the butter is: the softer it is when you buy it the more omega 3 is contained within it. This is why all the butter you get at the supermarket is hard until you melt it. Still, its better than the other stuff. If you've got to cook your meat or eggs in something make it butter. Any deep fried and battered = evil. I firmly believe any beverage outside of water, tea and the occasional alcohilc beverage (For an occasion) is completely un-needed. Soda is AWFUL, diet soda is arguably worse and all those juices you buy at the store, despite what the labels say about being 100% natural are ALL just as bad as the soda you buy. Its no surprise humans are so addicted to them, from a young age schools shove juice cartoons, fruit drinks and soda don't our throats. I'll tell you this too: soy is bad as well. Yes I said it. Don't drink soy milk, drink organic milk or skim. Soy is being fed to all grazing animals, robbing them of important acids and nutrients we as human beings need to function properly. I don't have access to a Wholes Food so I just do not eat meat, use supplements for omega 3 and veggies.

Bread is pretty bad too. SO many things are bad and affect you ways beyond obesity (which is worse enough), if you're a female foods like hotdogs, certain meats, wheats and such can cause more yeast infections and create rather unpleasant smells for you. I'd also like to add that cheeses and even mushrooms contribute to this, so be wary if you have these kind of problems.The human body is a beautiful thing but the food industry is perverting it inside and out for the sake of profit. If we all just stuck our middle fingers to the man and grew veggies and kept our own animals we would do great.

and yes chocolate is delicious. I'm not going to lie. I'm meticulous, anal and was raised that way but damn if I can't help myself to a yummy brownie or some fudge. Ugh.

Also here are some tips for those of you who might be forced into a bad situation with friends: if you HAVE to get fastfood always get a hamburger, no fries. Do not get a chicken sandwich or salad. A hamburger is the far lesser of the fast food evils DO NOT GET ANY FRIES. Sometimes I have to eat fastfood if I'm on a trip and start getting hunger pangs so I'll get a little hamburger.

Again, don't believe the lies about soy. You're better off with regular milk. Also a lot of condiments that you would not expect to be bad are troublesome, especially ketchup. If you're a girl I would stay away from it if you're the vain type and worry about smells. The same goes for soy and teriyaki sauce. Ketchup in general is a bad, its not obvious like mayo but you're better off not putting it on anything. Ketchup ruins all good foods anyway and I can't imagine why a person would want to put one on a steak or burger anyway.

Anything with bannana or fruit flavoring it activates a defensive pheromone in most vespids (wasps). This means if you outside near a nest in the summer, say at a picnic, maybe you're eating a banana fruit roll up or pixie dust, you are more likely to be stung.

Another tip: learn to love the color green! Broccoli, cabbage (boiled, not with a ton of bacon and fancy grease) and the sort are excellent. The biggest roadblock for people trying to lose weight is a sickness for green food. Again, I was raised to love broccoli and green beans since I was a toddler so I was always shocked seeing people in school puke at the idea of veggies. Sweet potatoes are a great snack too and are one of the most nutritious, hearty things out there. They actually are not potatoes but rather a type of vine, yams are related but don't have quite as many vitamins and have to be cooked. You can microwave a sweet potato and you're fine.

I'm not doctor or nutritionist, but my mom was an RN, tried her best to raise healthy children and at one point I was taking medical classes because I wanted to be a medic or nurse..but most of the s**t I say is common sense. Helped an old friend lose 50 pounds too.


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04 Jul 2012, 3:54 pm

I don't eat foods with hydrogenated oil in them anymore. I don't use margerines because those are loaded with hydrogenated oil. I don't eat Spam and other canned meats like it because it is loaded with Sodium Nitrite which cause my blood pressure go through the roof. Like you, Heidi80, my body talks to me too and I quickly make changes if the same food cause me problems 2 or more days in a roll. It took me a while before I realized it was Sodium Nitrite that was making my blood pressure go up and my heart racing.


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04 Jul 2012, 4:16 pm

I have to avoid stuff that upsets my IBS: wholegrains (I used to love eating them and I know they are healthier), chocolate, cheese, fruit not turned into juice, beans (another one I often slip up on and end up eating), nuts. I used to eat a more healthy diet with wholegrains and fruit and pulses, but my stomach didn't like it and I was in a lot of pain. Now it's white bread, potatoes, lean meat and just enough veg and fruit juice to get enough nutrients from them. I can't eat anything fatty. I can't eat sweets/candy, but I don't miss them, anyway. I can't eat popcorn (again, don't miss it).

I can't follow this low-residue IBS diet strictly because living off white bread, potatoes (no skin) and lean meat isn't healthy at all. So I have to eat things that make my bowels angry, but benefit my health in the long run. Every meal necessitates a cost-benefit analysis, now. :lol:

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04 Jul 2012, 5:16 pm

I crave too much fat and salt. I have given up the fat, even almonds and pistachios, which I absolutely love. No oils of any kind except occasional non stick cooking spray which I am not sure is a part of the diet I am trying. I can't find any information on it in relation to this diet anywhere so I don't know if I can use it or not?
Anyway, no more avocados, either. It's just going to be fruits, vegetables, salads, and whole grains from here on out.


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04 Jul 2012, 5:53 pm

All of these things I'm reading above are pretty much the exact same things that make me sick and cause issues for me. I think, in particular, that dairy causes me problems the most if I consume too much of it.


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05 Jul 2012, 10:24 am

markb wrote:
Dairy and gluten are particuarly bad for people with Autism

For myself, I would be inclined to agree with that. I can eat dairy and gluten, but only in small amounts.

Pastry is something that I really cannot it very often, it causes me a lot of pain otherwise. Another thing my body disagrees with is very spicy foods.

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05 Jul 2012, 11:16 am

i try to limit my tomato products foods because i get heart burn also dairy at small amounts im okay but large amounts mess me up.


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05 Jul 2012, 12:08 pm

To eat healthfully, one really needs to connect with their food. That means cooking. It's hard to make good choices with processed or prepared foods, unless you know what's in them generally (calories, fat, salt, sugar, etc), which most people do not. I make sure 2/3 of my meals are prepared from scratch and are plant-based.

Processed & junk food by nature, overstimulates your taste buds. The reason vegetables seem so bland and uninteresting is twofold - conventionally mass grown produce is insipid, and because modern prepared foods are streamlined to taste exceptional. One has to avoid junk food as a practice, or else sticking to a diet will be impossible. That's purely discipline. Feel free to indulge once in awhile (as it keeps one from going crazy), but do so with the understanding that it will be an exception to the rule.

So, to be healthy, long-term, one really needs to take a cooking class or two, and become very familiar with the produce section of the grocery store. Or, even better, grow a garden yourself, and take it a step further. I'll be eating kale and tomatoes out of my garden for dinner tonight - and believe me, the flavor of vegetables you grow yourself is very much worth the effort. I don't miss junk food, or the 20 lbs extra I used to carry years ago, at all.


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05 Jul 2012, 12:11 pm

ooOoOoOAnaOoOoOoo wrote:
I crave too much fat and salt. I have given up the fat, even almonds and pistachios, which I absolutely love. No oils of any kind except occasional non stick cooking spray which I am not sure is a part of the diet I am trying. I can't find any information on it in relation to this diet anywhere so I don't know if I can use it or not?
Anyway, no more avocados, either. It's just going to be fruits, vegetables, salads, and whole grains from here on out.

Its natural to crave these things because your body -GASP- needs them to function! The proper fat can actually cause you maintain and or lose weight. Do you eat meat at all? What kind of vegetables do you eat? Also drink lots of water!