Thanks, guys, good to hear there is an explanation. I continue to be surprised by just how much of my experience can be linked back to AS! Yes, I'm "mild" and very high-functioning and all that, but... it's still there.
again_with_this wrote:
So I wonder what it is that they like about the music being so loud then. OK, they can still have conversations over it, but what's the need for it to be so loud?
Would they actually not be able to hear the music as well if it were quieter? As in, their focus is primarily on conversation, so the music has to be louder if the musicians want to be heard at all, else their music would take a back seat to conversation.
Whereas we get distracted by the music, making regular conversation harder with that distraction, would the NTs actually not be able to hear the music if it were at a quieter level?
Yes, I've wondered about that all along. I'm not even talking about live music, I meant loudspeakers - so the volume is very easy to control. Surely if the music was at half the volume everyone could still hear it just fine if they wanted to - but could also talk over it more easily. Maybe I'll ask some NTs about this some time.
btbnnyr, you may just get your wish. With the way people use their mobiles I think we're not far away from people using them to text-chat to people who are right in front of them. As silly as it is, I guess it could have its uses in rare cases!