Inventor wrote:
Yes, and even when labeled that white male disease, not in a good light.
Marketing overrules knowledge, and minorities will be placed in ads, mostly as cute children who speak perfect English.
When the profile of the customer, in this case doner, as targeting the Autistic Market, is shooting for 1%, who do not care.
Techno Geek bias does have a White Only sign, for Pakigeeks, Chinogeeks, produce fear of the future. Islamogeeks putting down the guns and going for the Codeing Jihad, same problem.
Imagine a world where non whites do not have to learn English. White people would never know what was going on.
The purpose of media is sales, and the ads have to target the demographic that spends. Minorities are always minor customers.
Life is not fair, it imitates art, and it takes money to keep it going.
Quite a logical and intelligent thesis...thank you.