Finally, a "real" introduction to me (probable asp

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Jul 2012, 11:49 am

Well, so, it can't so much as handle the letters, U, R, and L next to each other in sequence. So any occurrence of said string causes the post to fail - even to mention that a link was removed - how lame. Anyway, now knowing that ...

Hello, thought I'd at least say "Hi".

Some wee bits about me:

Asperger syndrome: rather to highly probable. Never seriously suspected before, until four days ago ... er, eight days ago now, as I finally get this thing to successfully post, and then, well ... discovery, ... rather to highly probable (thus far undiagnosed). Quite a bit more about that here: ... okay, can't do that direct, how 'bout rot13: uggc://ovg.yl/C6Ie33

49, male, single (not my preference, but currently is what it is), Berkeley, CA, USA

Also seems rather to highly probable I manage to mess up a lot in certain areas of social interaction - unwittingly, unknowingly, and unintentionally. E.g. some stats that would support that hypothesis:

  • less than one per decade: rate at which I acquire quite good close friend(s) or better (including any good relationships) over the last nearly 30 years, despite the majority of the time having quite a lack there and wishing to very much fill that (e.g. much more often than not, zero in that category when I'd want about one). This is also despite lots of efforts to try and make that "better".
  • 2.5 from/via online, zero from "other sources": over nearly 30 years, where I "met" and iniitally interacted with particularly good/close friends or better (e.g. also including good relationships). (2.5? Not 2, or 3? One I'm not sure if I should count or not, so calling it a 0.5 at least for now).
  • zero: net resultant useful/positive acquaintanceships (or even close) or better following (seemingly) good, positive, even excellent (seeming) initial conversation with complete and total stranger (e.g. strike up conversation with woman, seems to go exceedingly well, she's even interested in my contact information, I provide it to her ... I hear back essentially if not precise never - can't recall a single instance off-hand where I'd ever heard back in such a case - in my entire life - and I'm nearing the half-century mark).

Some other bits I'm "bad" / neutral/mixed / good at:

  • communication: quite suck at getting from zero to pretty comfortable (if I even ever make it that far), and most notably in face-to-face context.
  • distinguishing conversations: if I talk with many, separately and independently, and about even somewhat similar, I'll well remember what communications were had, but very poorly recall, if at all, which particular communications or bits thereof were had with whom
  • eye contact: I often rather/quite suck at that, notably when talking to someone - I often find watching their reactions to be highly distracting to me - so I'll not look at them, otherwise I completely lose my train of thought and forget what I was talking about. But it's not always like that. Sometimes I can do that "just fine", without it being an issue at all. Not sure exactly what makes the difference - seems situational/contextual - e.g. can vary significantly even just one-on-one with the same someone I know at least fairly well.
  • shy: I am, quite. Most notably initial contacts with folks I don't know. Generally rather to quite worse in groups/crowds/parties or the like, and especially "meeting" lots of folks in rapid succession.
  • I suck at remembering names of people - especially first names, and even more so for more common names.
  • clumsy?: slightly, but really not that bad

  • literal and disambiguating: I take a lot (too) literally, I'm pretty good about removing the ambiguities - not only in what and how I communicate, but resolving ambiguities of significance in communications to me. So, misunderstandings, highly rare, annoyances ... not as rare.
  • communication: more generally do fairly well on the verbal; non-verbal, quite a mix, some rather to quite well, other bits, likely rather to exceedingly poorly - really have no clue there, but likely quite not good on much of it.
  • detail oriented: "too"(?) detail oriented? "it depends" (context, context).
  • non-fiction: highly prefer non-fiction over fiction
  • verbosity (can you tell already?)
  • sleep: not all that much, and relatively irregular. Ever since roughly my latter college days, I can "survive" on average of 4 hrs. sleep/24, but do much better with - and typically get, a running average of about 5/24 (occasionally much less on shorter term, much more rarely quite a bit more). Sleep is often rather to quite discontinuous (e.g. mere minutes to 3 hours at a time). I transition from asleep (and even REM sleep) to quite fully awake - and vice versa, often very quickly and easily (don't fall asleep if I'm even minimally physically active, but if bored/tired and physically not moving at all, can fall asleep very(/too) readily - and regardless of how many zillion or zip hours of sleep I had earlier).
  • sight, sound, and other stimuli? I can tolerate a lot of that, and mostly doesn't bother me, but too, sometimes it's rather to exceedingly distracting to me - really much depends upon what I'm doing or attempting to do - same "distraction" can be unnoticed at some times, and an intolerable distracting continued breaking of my concentration or attention at others - so it's quite contextual.

  • communication: I can do rather to exceedingly well ... when I manage to make it so far as to be quite comfortable with the other person and generally get the communication flowing rather to quite well and that they're also at least quite fine with that. (unfortunately, getting to "that" level with anyone, for me, happens way too rarely).
  • remembering - at least many things; quite a good memory - e.g. have a conversation with various folks, I'll well remember much of the conversations, what was discussed, etc. (remembering with whom, however (or more precisely when), quite another matter - if there was only one possibility, I "know", otherwise, I'm often quite unsure if I even at all remember who).
  • intelligent, kind, caring, giving, passionate and compassionate, honest, ... whole lot 'o that good positive stuff, and some folks rather to quite know (at least generally), and others have about zero clue, or close to it (whatever, not everyone is going to know, or be interested or care to know).
  • skilled - e.g. well/highly skilled in my areas of expertise (e.g. certain sectors of Engineering/electronics/IT/computer field, and other random and not-so-random bits of knowledge and skill sets)
  • remembering faces: used to be quite good at that, still pretty good at it.
  • good/excellent manual dexterity

Other: my dad - though the evidence is somewhat missing and inconclusive (he's highly removed himself from at least all family, and probably "everyone" or almost precisely so, for most all of the last quarter century, and to a large degree for much much longer than that, and possibly since "forever"), but the available evidence compellingly supports the hypothesis that he's got Asperger syndrome, and quite a bit more severely than I (presumably) do.

(Most) all that sound (too) familiar? I thought that's likely the case.


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08 Jul 2012, 12:05 pm

hiya :) and welcome to the club 8)


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08 Jul 2012, 12:46 pm

Welcome to the forum!


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08 Jul 2012, 1:31 pm

Hi and welcome to Wrong Planet :)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Jul 2012, 2:02 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet. I am diagnosed with Asperger's and suspect my Dad has it as well.


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08 Jul 2012, 5:10 pm

Oh i get what u mean now =) and Hi again, and Welcome =)


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08 Jul 2012, 5:33 pm

Hi MichaelBerkeley! Welcome to Wrong Planet! Check out the many interesting and helpful forums here. Go into the General Autism forum here. There is at least one post article with links to online tests for Autism/Asperger's. Take the tests--that should give you more of a picture of whether or not you are on the spectrum. You are among friends here at WP! :D


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09 Jul 2012, 8:01 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

Snowy Owl
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10 Jul 2012, 1:36 am

Welcome to WP
I got Aspergers diagnosed, aswell as my son
I strongly believe that my father has it aswell.
Also my grandmother must have had it. Otherwise their socially akward behaviour dosen't make sense at all :roll:

My brother and sister also got AS in them, but I dont think they have it enough in order to get a diagnosis.
My sister is a nurse, that is as I now have witnessed for 15 years, not a suitable job for someone with more or less AS in him/her


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10 Jul 2012, 4:32 pm

Welkome to WP


The Family Enigma


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11 Jul 2012, 7:27 am

AspieSharaf wrote:
My sister is a nurse, that is as I now have witnessed for 15 years, not a suitable job for someone with more or less AS in him/her

Well its interesting you say that, because ive heard other. Dr Tony Attwood, says that most female aspies turn to nursing and/or psychology.
I heard this on a podcast i downloaded off an Aspergers Woman online Radio. AWA Online Radio - Aspergers Woman Association

Snowy Owl
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11 Jul 2012, 8:16 am

Teredia wrote:
AspieSharaf wrote:
My sister is a nurse, that is as I now have witnessed for 15 years, not a suitable job for someone with more or less AS in him/her

Well its interesting you say that, because ive heard other. Dr Tony Attwood, says that most female aspies turn to nursing and/or psychology.
I heard this on a podcast i downloaded off an Aspergers Woman online Radio. AWA Online Radio - Aspergers Woman Association

Well. I think this is a complex topic. And maybe there are other factors that makes it a hard time for my sister to peform her job without to much energy draining.
Well I must admit that she has more energy now than before. But that is beacuse she got divorced from her husband. It was a bad relationship...
And also she is not 100 procent AS. (Which is important regarding our definition)
Its interesting to see that female aspies tends to choose nursing. I wouldn't have dreamt that. I understand though, that they would want to be a psychologist.


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11 Jul 2012, 9:49 am

Teredia wrote:
AspieSharaf wrote:
My sister is a nurse, that is as I now have witnessed for 15 years, not a suitable job for someone with more or less AS in him/her

Well its interesting you say that, because ive heard other. Dr Tony Attwood, says that most female aspies turn to nursing and/or psychology.
I heard this on a podcast i downloaded off an Aspergers Woman online Radio. AWA Online Radio - Aspergers Woman Association

come to think of it, in the military i knew a lot of nurses who certainly had aspie traits, at least.

Snowy Owl
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11 Jul 2012, 10:18 am

auntblabby wrote:
Teredia wrote:
AspieSharaf wrote:
My sister is a nurse, that is as I now have witnessed for 15 years, not a suitable job for someone with more or less AS in him/her

Well its interesting you say that, because ive heard other. Dr Tony Attwood, says that most female aspies turn to nursing and/or psychology.
I heard this on a podcast i downloaded off an Aspergers Woman online Radio. AWA Online Radio - Aspergers Woman Association

come to think of it, in the military i knew a lot of nurses who certainly had aspie traits, at least.

Thx for your input/sharings. I will rethink the whole matter and continue my analysis of my sister with a different view.

Tufted Titmouse
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15 Jul 2012, 8:19 pm


Thanks, I did have a look through there at the tests, took some more tests, and:
results on my blog*.

All still very new to me. Not far from 50 years old, and was only 15 days ago someone first hinted to me I might be somewhere on the autism spectrum. I never so much as thought or suspected such before, even being quite acquainted with a person with Asperger syndrome. Guess I'm now quickly learning a lot about autism, autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome where I had negligible clue before.

questor wrote:
Hi MichaelBerkeley! Welcome to Wrong Planet! Check out the many interesting and helpful forums here. Go into the General Autism forum here. There is at least one post article with links to online tests for Autism/Asperger's. Take the tests--that should give you more of a picture of whether or not you are on the spectrum. You are among friends here at WP! :D

*Well, apply rot13 to: uggc://ovg.yl/C8BEVb
Well, I keep waiting and trying again ... over 5 days, over 5 posts, and it still won't let me use an actual link, or the verboten letters U, R, and L, even, in sequence - at least without some other punctuation or the like to break them up, otherwise I get (redacted, so it doesn't fail yet again on this too):
In order to try to prevent spammers, we do not allow our users to post (redacted)s in any form until they have posted at least 5 legitimate posts and have been with us for more than 5 days. We appreciate your understanding in this matter in order to help us eliminate spam from this forum. If you have somehow gotten this message even though you meet both of the criteria, please let us know ASAP.


So, who's the "us" I'm supposed to let know ASAP?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Jul 2012, 6:26 am

Woo hoo! Finally today, I can actually include links in my posts here, and, the verboten letter sequence URL even. Geez, did take a while (and a lot more than 5 days + 5 posts).

Anyway, backfilling some URLs from my earlier posts in this "thread":

Asperger syndrome: rather to highly probable. Never seriously suspected before, until (2012-06-30 ...), and then, well ... discovery, ... rather to highly probable (thus far undiagnosed). Quite a bit more about that here.

took some more tests, and:
results on my blog.