How do you keep a job and not have a meltdown?
As a young husband and hardly any help from family or friends I have to worry about keeping a job so i can keep a roof over me and my wife's head. Im only 24 and i have had like 20 jobs +/- . It seems like i live in fear of melt downs. I tend to quit jobs before i have a melt down. Some jobs i only worked for a week, some months , some for a day and some for a half a day . I have no clue how to stop melt downs besides leave the job for the day or hour and come back but most of every job doesn't allow that . And certainly i can't talk to the owner or manager about whats going on because they never listen or choose to not realize it or understand what i'm trying to say . So it always come downs as my fault when i try my hardest and best to be the best worker i do things that most workers don't even think about doing or i do things in such detail . (which is sometime a bad thing to be to good of a worker because it takes to long ) How dumb. I suppose to do a good job but not to good of a job. Oh and Heaven forbid that i do a better job than my boss/owner. which i have had that happen lol .. I have had some serious melt downs though and im scared that i might end up in jail if i have any more melt downs and i can't be away from my wife which helps me out so much .. so it gives me a power to control most of my melt downs but now i always end up quitting jobs left and right . and now im not riskisng going to jail but now im risking losing the roof over our heads .. the answer to keeping a job is a answer i have been looking for . for 9 years now . i'm going to try to get my own business and work by my self . Because in my history it seems like the melt downs never get better or easier at handling . but to counter react it i get better at handling the situation that can cause and will cause a melt down . and stay away from any potential melt downs.
Yes, do look into self employment. You may not get rich, but you can make a living that way. You may also want to consider taking courses at a vocational school to train for something that you could do on your own. That would get you a degree or certificate. If you take the courses part time, that would be less stressful, and would also let you do some work part time. Here are some self employment ideas.:
>> Lawn mowing/yard work/gardening.
>> House cleaning.
>> Errand/shopping service.
>> Wait for service people, so the home owner/renter doesn't have to take time off from work.
>> House/pet sitting.
>> House chores for the elderly/disabled.
>> Handyman.
>> Tutor.
>> Computer maintenance/repair.
>> Website design.
>> Other website based businesses.
>> Paint houses indoor/outdoor.
There are many other self employment opportunities. Your local libraries will have books with lists and descriptions of them, so look into it.
Now, go and do something, and good luck!
I'd find a menial, repetitive job where you don't have to have a lot of social skills in order to do. (So I'd stay away from person-to-person sales.) The thing is you're always going to be dealing with people. That's just the way it is. And every job is going to be the same, with my boss all over my ass. So I figured I'd just stay in one and ride it out. Take it one day at a time. After six months you can deal with anything, just develop a pattern. You learn to tune everything and just do your job. You'd be surprised at how resilient you can be.