Hello not sure where I fit here, or if I really fit anywhere but here goes a list about my life/traits:
~I work in the field of human services.
~I am married to a wonderful man (who is on the spectrum)
~I recently graduated with my bachelor's degree in behavioral science.
~Me and my husband will be moving in three months, to relocate for his job. (I am terrified of change!)
~We have two budgies named Woody and Allen.
~I am diagnosed with panic disorder, agoraphobia and GAD, as well as some ocd.
~I can read emotions quite well, but on the flip side I am super sensitive and tend to react strongly no matter the emotion.
~I hang out with a couple of friends from time to time, but usually have to be the one to plan the event since I am completely lacking in being spontaneous and become anxious if such a thing is suggested.
~I cannot stand the feeling of wet hair when I come out of the shower, tags, (all my shirts are tagless or cut), loud noises and visual stimuli like lights trigger panic attacks in me.
~I am sensitive to touch an as a result, loathe the doctor especially needles because of all the sensations involved.
~I hate any change to my schedule and I am sent into a tailspin for a few days or weeks, until I settle in.
~I had no speech delay growing up, in fact I spoke early I was told.
~I have the tendency to ruminate about something upcoming that is making me anxious.
~When I take an interest in a band, topic, item, it is all or nothing. I immerse myself in it and find everything I can possibly find out about it. In time, some interests fade while some are life long such as psychology. I could spend hours debating and discussing behavior and related topics.
So that's me and my quirkyness in a nutshell.
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