Everyone knew there was SOMETHING very 'wrong' with me as a child, but no one knew what.
I was very smart (far more so than classmates) and worked at high speed, yet I was non-verbal until I was 7 years old (only saying occasional words to my parents) with problems reading and writing into my teens, I was highly organised with attention to detail and patterns, intense interests, OCD-like rituals, I struggled to do basic things (walk, eat, bathroom, grooming), acted very odd, stimmed, not only did I not make friends but I was totally blind to the fact other people were people rather than objects to be interacted with when necessary, I had severe social anxiety issues, sensory issues, constant meltdowns, etc. etc. etc.
No one knew what to make of me as a kid, from 12-15 my school forced me into the mental health care system and AS was suspected then but never formally diagnosed - I never knew, my mother never knew, and obviously the resources for diagnosis are barely available now so certainly it would not have been easy to get a diagnosis back then.
Good-looking girls break hearts, and goodhearted girls mend them.