Please, everyone knows that autism is caused by the mother eating too many citrus fruits during pregnancy, and standing in the rain without an umbrella during the second trimester. That, and the flouride in the water. The only way to counteract the effects of such dangerous pregnancy behavior is for the expectant mother to mix the bile of a llama with the urine of a emu, then drink that concoction mixed into a pomegranate smoothie every day at 5:30 am for the entire third trimester. Come on, everyone knows that.
Seriously, my father was 48 1/2 when I was born. I'm his only child. The reason he became a father so late is because he was in his mid-forties when he married my mother. He was over forty when he first met her. To answer the question everyone asks, no, he was not married before that. He just never managed to have a functional relationship up until then. My Dad was (and at nearly 80 years of age, still is) very good at memorizing facts and statistics in almanacs, and reciting said facts. However, he's never been particularly good at forming and maintaining relationships. My Mom (thirteen years younger than my Dad) was the first woman willing to put up with him for the long haul. She has her own issues, and she felt most comfortable in a relationship with a man who needed her to take care of him, because that put her in control.
So, yes, I am the product of an older father. I still don't think that older fathers are a cause of autism. At least in my case, there are other factors at play.
Incidentally, my father says I'm more like him in personality than anyone else he has ever met.
"And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad./ The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."