Okay so I know it's something women are prone to, being intra-whatever it's called, internalizing everything, chewing on their feelings so to speak.
Guys (myself generally included) view feelings as something to get over with.
However, about 20 minutes ago, I arrived for football practice (we have a game today, yet I still have not gotten my equipment as I've been absent for a month due to Ramadan and fasting)
I panicked like hell going to the locker room the opposite way of everyone else in a narrow hall.
What I noticed was no one was wearing their equipment. Due to this being my first game day, I didn't know that we usually go to a classroom for chalk talk or whatever.
So I got to class about 5 minutes late, and as I stood by the door, a coach coming out and told me irritably to get inside. I was rightfully apprehensive as I saw the class was full and nervously looked for a seat. Everyone looked up at me, I was embarrassed. Another coach (who was lecturing) anxiously said to wait outside. And I was like "Yeah, there's no empty seats". And he was like yeah.
I started panicking, being embarrassed as soon as I was in the hall trying to get to the locker room the opposite way, and it escalated.
"I watched a change in you, It's like you never had wings, now you feel so alive"