Jamesy wrote:
I am going through one of these awkward phases in my life were a lot of people dislike me even though i have done nothing bad.
why is that a lot of people dislike people like with our condition without even knowing we have it? What signals do we give off too non autistic people that makes them despise so much?
Jamesy, speaking for myself, I think people are primarily put off by me because I come across as aloof. In general, I just don't socialise quite as easily as most people, so I end up standing to the side, not talking much. and people view this as me being non-sociable (which is true) and, since they can't just deduce that it's mostly out of inability on my part, they assume that I do it on purpose, out of unwillingness to socialise.
Furthermore, I may come across as rude, because I say some things quite bluntly, where other people embellish whatever they want to say with euphemisms.
So, to sum it up, people view me as aloof and rude. Which is understandable, when they're not aware of my autism.
EDIT: you mentioned 'signals', and I believe that we also send off the 'wrong' body language, which is misinterpreted again by people who can read body language.
clarity of thought before rashness of action