I'm prepping for an Indigo Girls concert with an orchestra backing them later on this month. I'm buying the albums I've missed, to familiarize myself with their later music, so that I don't have to process it as new information, and I hope to remember ear plugs for moments in which I might need them. My girlfriend is going with me, and she'll be driving, if all goes well, so I won't have to worry about being tired or dealing with traffic, parking, or navigating the area alone. This will be much easier than going by myself or doing what I had to do the other times I went, in years past: trying to find a ride with someone because of having no transportation of my own.
I keep wondering if I should contact the venue to see if there's some way they can accommodate me so that I won't have to wait in a long line, since I already have the tickets and would find aggravating my fibromyalgia by standing to be challenging. Also, I'd have hope that getting in quicker might help me with feeling tense in the crowd. The less pain and anxiety I have by the time the concert starts, the more enjoyment I'll be able to get out of it. But I don't want to take an unfair advantage by asking for something if I can get by without it. I could probably manage without special consideration, as I have in the past. I'm just getting used to my new awareness of my sensitivities now, since my diagnosis. It bothers me to think I might be asking for too much. I may just push myself through the more challenging stuff, as I would have in the past.
Life is a classroom for a mind without walls.
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