I'm a female and I have several on my arms. Large ones.
I got them because I like them and am fascinated by body modification in general.
Of course, it seems like it's "fashionable" to pooh-pooh tattoos these days, which suits me fine because it allows me to more easily weed-out people who are inclined to judge others based on superficial nonsense. "Reverse sheep" are every bit as annoying as "sheep."
One thing I don't quite understand though is I realize not everyone wants tattoos or likes them, but I cannot understand the intense hate some people seem to have towards those who have tattoos. Why not just live and let live in that context? I just don't get all the stigma about tattoos I mean if someone doesn't want one great but to actually look down on someone because they happen to have a tattoo is kinda ridiculous in my opinion.
It's because most people are obsessed with "social status" and looking down their noses at people with tattoos is a cheap and easy way to feel "superior" to other human beings.
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-XFG (no longer a moderator)