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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Dec 2006, 5:05 pm

My name is Missy, I do not have AS but my younger sister however does. I am doing a research paper for my school on Asperger Syndrome and I was wondering if anyone on here would be willing to help me. I have some questions to ask and try and get different point of views for different people with AS. So if you would like to help me please answer the following questions either on here or send them to my email. [email protected] preferably email because I don't check this a lot.

Also is there anyone who wouldn't mind telling me their story? ex. when you were diagnosed, what your life has been like so far, school, problems you have encountered because of AS. It would be a huge help to my paper to write about someone's story. It doesn't need to be very long and don't worry about using any names because they will all be changed and will only be seen by me. If you are willing to tell me your story please send it to the email address listed above. Thank you.


1. Age/Gender:

2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else?

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems?

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it?

5. Do you also have problems with OCD?

6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy?

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc.

8. When were you diagnosed?

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies

10. What is your family life like?

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends?

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school?

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder?

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS?

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS?

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS?

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS?

Thank you so much to anyone who helps me with this. I want to learn more about AS because of my sister...She has been diagnosed with it for as long as I can remember but I don't know nearly enough about it. So thank you.

P.S. Once again no real names with be used if I am given them. No matter how far away from me you live I will keep real names private, and Thank you again.


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04 Dec 2006, 5:22 pm

I'm not diagnosed by a doctor, but I'd be happy to answer the questions.. If you'd prefer only diagnosed people, thats fine..

My personal preference is not to be harassed by a doctor who may or may not know what he/she is actually doing..


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04 Dec 2006, 5:55 pm

I'll help out, I just hope you'll check this soon!

1)a. Age: 16
b. Gender: Male

2) I did feel individual, but not enough to say 'different' in the usual alienated sense of the word. I am not that far up the Spectrum, which does explain things, however I do remember as a kid how I would act and think a little bit differently. Being the optimist that I am, I just thought 'Hey, I just have a little bit more trouble with things than everyone else'.

3) I haven't really had to cope with them, but I have had to adjust to not make myself seem like a total weirdo! I was lucky enough to land myself with two friends who actually wanted me to fit in (yet not to the extent to 'cure' me), and so they began to teach me things like not talking about my interest so much, apologizing and saying thank you and sarcasm (that was explained by the phrase "lying by telling the truth" or "telling the truth by lying", haha).

4) If I were given the chance to, I would say no, because I am happy and contempt with the way I am. If you asked me when I was 10, you would've gotten the same answer.

5) I do remember as a kid where if I did something like flip a Flipper in a game of Pinball on my computer how I had to flip the other one, and keep track of how many times I flipped each flipper so I was sure I had flipped both an equal amount of times.

6) Things that set me off are people who are violently, either verbally or physically, sturdy and unchanging in their veiws, because hurting someone is not the right thing. Things that make me happy are generally tied into my story, but also when someone I care about achieves something important. Oh, and getting new stuff. :D

7) I don't have any actual plans for the future, however I have an ambition to, as mentioned earlier, make my story into a published book or feature film.

8 ) I was diagnosed around about age ten or eleven, while I was at the hospital for other reasons.

9) Movies and books interest me. If you get me into a store with books I like and movie stuffs, you may not see me walk out! (the only give-away would be the moving pile of junk).

10) My family life is quite good, because my parents are accepting of who I am (although to a lesser extent my dad). I've got a sister who I always have fun with (except when sharing the remote :lol:), and who has never actually questioned my AS.

11) I have a lot of friends, or at least a lot of people who are on friendly term with me, and it's generally because of my attitude and how my personality shows through. My mum says that I am very likable, which has helped out a good deal.

12) I get varying grades, but overall I have good results. I do excel in areas that fall under my interest zone (such as writing).

13) Not really, all the teachers at my school are pretty, let's say, 'elastic' with the way I can sometimes act.

14) I think teachers should know that with AS comes a few extra rules and guidelines you have to adhere to, and those rules are simple, but sometimes can come with conseqeunces if not followed correctly.

15) I would like them to know that AS is just another way of approaching life, and is only truly a disorder when it causes trouble for us and others, but in any other scenario, well, it's just another one of those things, and it shouldn't be considered a handicap in the usual sense. Oh, and it is NOT a disease (who came up with that crazy idea?)

16) I feel that they know how I think, and that I am different from the norm, which is how I want to be looked apon anyway!

17) Maybe a short history on it with what Hans Asperger did with his research (look him up on Wikipedia), and don't forget to have a passive veiw on this subject!

I hope this helps!

I was sad when I found that she left
But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
And sadness turned to comfort
We all go there


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04 Dec 2006, 6:41 pm

I've no problems with helping you out for your project. :) EDIT: Forgot my age, sorry.

1. Age/Gender: Sixteen/Female.

2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else? Well, yes, but then I suspect I'd feel that way if I didn't have AS, too. There's an astounding variety in human personality. I do tend to think almost at 30 degree angles to most other people I know, and there are several things about myself that I just don't share with people around me for fear of a negative reaction.

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems? Define "problem." Mainly, I've learned to camoflauge my dislike of eye contact and my stims, only bring up my special interests if someone else does first, and as for my terror of interacting with strangers... well, I haven't confronted that one much. I've never felt those to be problematic, although my family has upon occasion. The only behaviors of mine that anyone found problematic that I know of in my school setting were aggressive attacks on other students in response to repeated bullying, and those ceased immediately when my tormentors did.

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it? No, as that would involve changing my personality. I am quite fond of my personality, weaknesses and all, and in any case would be loath to give up the strengths that my AS also confers upon me, such as my encyclopaedic memory for data and my obsessive interests (which, when turned upon my studies, can yield truly impressive results).

5. Do you also have problems with OCD? I am not diagnosed with OCD and do not have it, so no. I do exhibit several stims, but these are not compulsions.

6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy? Long days at school followed by family calling me out of my room too many times tend to irritate me severely, as do high-pitched or repetitive noises and being touched unexpectedly. Things that make me happy include reading (non-fiction and fiction), working with my dog, Oliver, translating Latin, hiking, and listening to my favored music.

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc. College features heavily. I plan to major in biology and hopefully minor in linguistics. I would enjoy a career either in academia, as an animal behaviorist, or as a veterinarian. Marriage and children are not things I am at all interested in, as I am phobic of small children (have been getting better since my youngest sib was born) and identify as asexual.

8. When were you diagnosed? I was diagnosed when I was eleven. I am now sixteen.

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies I have very little taste for movies or TV, but I do love to read and regularly devour books on a wide range of subjects. I also enjoy debating on-line, correcting errors--I would enjoy being an executive editor, I think, but the pay and hours aren't appealing--and working with my terrier mix on new tricks. Currently I am attempting to teach him "Spin" but am hampered by the fact that he is not the most agile of dogs and keeps falling over. Musically I listen to a lot of things. I have a particular taste for Celtic traditional and Celtically-influenced music, especially bagpipes or flute.

10. What is your family life like? Stable, I suppose. My parents are supportive but push me to try my hardest, and refuse to let me use my AS as an excuse even on the rare times when I get indulgent or depressed and whiny, preferring instead to push me to find new ways to work around my issues. I am very proud of them. I also have two younger sisters--one thirteen, and one four--whom I get along with all right, I suppose, although the youngest can usually drive me batty. Finally, I live with two dogs, an ancient Jack Russell Terrier and my aforementioned terrier cross, who are entirely my responsibility.

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends? I find it very difficult to make new friends. It takes me upwards of a year of close contact to get a relationship with someone to the point where I consider it a friendship, and I am very untrusting. Currently I have a grand total of two friendships with people I see often and seven with people I don't. Six of the latter are people I can now only talk to through instant messenger.

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school? I currently have a 93% average on a course schedule that includes three AP classes and two honors classes, all of them academic (i.e., no art courses, no phys. ed.; in addition to Hnrs Pre-Calculus, AP Language/Hnrs American Literature, Physics, and AP US History, I am taking Hnrs Latin three and AP Chemistry). In the past I have taken the maximum possible honors courses and last year took the only AP course available for my grade (AP World History), scoring a 5 on the exam. I was quite pleased about that.

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder? Considering that I've become quite proficient at camoflauging it, no. I don't think more than one or two of my teachers even know that I have AS. I'm just the quiet (or not-so-quiet, depending on whether I like the teacher) one with Opinions in their classes--I'm prone to correcting teachers who are wrong (today I quite calmly told my APUSH teacher that "that word doesn't mean what you think it does" when he twice referred to Andrew Johnson's relationship with the Republican Party of the time as tedious).

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS? Dunno. Except in middle school, mine never have--and middle school was right after I was diagnosed, right when I was trying to straighten out all this new information about myself. I suppose that knowing that you'd better know the subject you're teaching, and know it well, if you have an Aspie kid is a good idea (very few Aspies I know won't correct a teacher if s/he makes a mistake), as does knowing that arbitrarily assigning busy-work is a bad idea (I got along very poorly with my last Spanish teacher because, although I learned very quickly and memorized quickly, she would not let me read a book of my choosing after I finished the rest of the work--she insisted on my studying the words I already had memorized, which I took poorly to).

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS? Well, for one thing, we're not a bunch of malingering "emos." I have a bone to pick with the Urban Dictionary people. Square peg/round hole issues aside, we're not better or worse off than non-ASD people either, and I for one have no interest in being "cured," nor do I appreciate being talked down to (as has once happened to me).

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS? Because I am uncomfortable with dispensing information in real life and because I don't care to make it an issue, I don't often mention it. However, I am not particularly uncomfortable with people knowing that I am an Aspie; I simply don't like taking the time to explain what it is, and I don't feel that it's really something I need to share much of the time.

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS? You probably should mention your source, as while WrongPlanet is a great source of information, its credentials are probably not the whitest considering that it is an anonymous online forum. Try reading the OASIS handbook; it's a pretty good book source.

cogito, ergo sum.
non cogitas, ergo non es.

Last edited by SolaCatella on 05 Dec 2006, 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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05 Dec 2006, 3:38 pm

come on people help me out please :D thank you to those who did!


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05 Dec 2006, 4:54 pm

coming this evening :)


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05 Dec 2006, 8:11 pm

OK, I didnt realize this was adolescent forum haha

I'll do one, anyways, but I'll go back 9 years to when *I* was 16 years old. I'm an old man, 25.

1. Age/Gender: 16/1997? I hate dates someone else figure it out.

2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else? Yes, all the time. I'd say ever since about grade 2. Growing up, I guess I never paid much attention to the fact I was a loner, although, my brother made fun of me for it. Funny thing is, I didn't care that I had no friends so he was kind of laughing at nothing except my confusion...

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems?
They say the best 'actors' are more introverted/socially inept. I'm a terrific actor, although, I dont know what it IS I'm actually doing, I just know I'm supposed to because others do it.

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it?
At this stage in my life, I was down but not out. Just didn't care about anything but wasn't suicidal or what have you. Friends, didn't care. Things? Didn't care. Thought I SHOULD care, but never did. I was not happy, though. All things considered, I probably wouldnt have but I'd ask God/whatever/universe/nothing where the girls who are like 'me' are.

5. Do you also have problems with OCD?
At this time, I used to check my alarm clock a million times before I was comfortable enough that it was on. I dont do that anymore.

6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy?
Generally, other people.

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc.
I had none - I was too confused/stuck on what the hell was going on. I wanted to move to B.C., Canada but never really put much thought into it, barely any. I also dreamed of being a cool dude on a motorcycle. (Oddly enough, both of those happened minus the 'cool dude' part, and it was Alberta I moved to and not B.C. but good enough)

8. When were you diagnosed?
At this time, I wasn't. I was just confused as hell! I was also alone.

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies
Music. Listening to it. Listening to the same stuff all the time. I've only ever owned a few bands worth of CD's because my taste is so specific (most musicians I like are because they are similar to me (Axl, Ozzy, Bowie)). I probably watched t.v. and also went on "B.B.S.'s" which was just a community networks (one computer to another)

10. What is your family life like?
I'm definately an odd ball. I keep to myself, or try to, and avoid people. My family kind of always kept to themselves. I was always a bit more weird.

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends?
I don't care. I had all the friends I needed (at about 2 or 3). I bet I could have BEEN anyones friend, I just didn't want to. I said enough to make them smile or feel good about themselves. Good ways to avoid bullying (which I never received).

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school?
At this time, 60%, 70%. Maybe 1 80% but mainly 60-79%. Actually, you know what? This may have been the year I had a girl to motivate me. I didn't "get" her, but I tried. I did so intectually. I thought she liked intelligent people so I got a 93% in math. The previous years I had, yes, 60's and 70's. 96% on the exam (I was borderline failing the next year so I dropped out (I had already graduated))

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder?
No, I could alway communicate just enough. Normally, nothing.

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS?
Ok, I'm 25 again; Definately the way they are to be taught. Not everyone learns the same and it's extremely difficult for people with aspergers to learn through methods not natural to them. Normally, I went home and did my homework and basically taught myself it because teachers taught me little (yes, I did my homework). I possibly got by school on my own.

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS?
That we exist.

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS?
I didnt know what I was back then in highschool. Now, only a very few know. I feel as if they would be constantly fixing things or telling me how to act.

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS?
I cant think of anything now - I'm gonna listen to a pysche lecture in a bit, maybe I'll think of something.

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05 Dec 2006, 9:06 pm

1. Age/Gender:

17/ Male

2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else?

I honestly haven't been aware for that long. Only yesterday did I find out. I was diagnosed long long ago, but I've honestly been in denial. I'm moving towards accepting it, and when I didn't, sure I did at first, but recently (which isn't saying much timewise) I feel fine.

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems?

Well, it's always caused me alot of frustration. I've had endless trouble in school for classic AS reasons (basiclly anything in the wiki about that applies to me completely) and I usually coped through self blame. Up until now I've been under massive amounts of stress and resorted to self destructive behaviors for things that actually weren't completely my fault.

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it?

Honestly, yes. While I may accept it, I'm actually a very socially oriented person (with the few individuals I choose to associate with) and the constant misunderstanding and frustrating can be very frustrating.

5. Do you also have problems with OCD?

I do not.

6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy?

I couldn't possibly list it all. That's far too general of a question, I'm afraid.

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc.

Well, I'm very aimless. At this point I should have a general idea, but I don't. As far as my plans go...
1. Get a new job
2. Save up to move in with a friend
3. See where it goes from there

8. When were you diagnosed?

Years and years ago. It was elementary school, infact. I got into the habit of denying it, and after a while I just didn't inform my new schools, and now it just has been forgotten.

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies

Well, if you're talking along the lines of my AS fueled focuses...
Electronics, videogames, pen & paper RPGs, computers, and romantic relationships.

Lately I've been pretty good at controlling my habits, but that last one leaves me a lot of stress. It's not that I have any trouble finding relationships, it's just that I tend to have a bad history in breakups, considering my social handicaps.

10. What is your family life like?

Never you mind.

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends?

I'm rather slow at first at making friends, but when the ball starts going, I actually can become quite the charismatic individual (in other's eyes).

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school?

Terrible ones. I've never been a good student. I just don't work.

Throughout my life I'd been around below average, and recently (since 8th grade) I've just been a pure F student. Due to a loophole, I keep getting passed to the next grade.

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder?

Oh, most definently. Most aren't even aware I have it. I've always had disciplinary problems in school.

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS?

I'm not the person to ask, ironicly.

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS?

Hell if I know, I'm new to all of this.

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS?

I'd rather they didn't. Even when people know, they don't really understand. That usually tends to lead to me being viewed under a "special ed" lense, and I'm not that kind of person at all. I only tell very close people to me who know me well enough by now to not have their opinion altered by my syndrome.

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS?

No, not particularly.

"Have you ever seen orange cider? No. Because oranges aren't cool enough for cider."

"Have you seen hand squeezed apple juice? No, because apples are lies."


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19 Jan 2008, 7:56 pm

1. Age/Gender:
15 girl
2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else?

of corse i am but i'm not upset about it now that i know i have asburgers and whats because of it

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems?

i dont realy have them exept i'm emoshinal

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it?

no way! there are some bad things but i's given me alot of good as well i love my obsestions and its part of me i dont want to change who i am

5. Do you also have problems with OCD?


6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy?

asking me is like asking any kid we all have them aspie or not

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc.

colage i'm gonna be a writer and a graphic artest as to fammily if i find someone whose right for me i might marry i do want to fall in love but i dont think a marige would work out as to ckids i could not devote my self to them they way they would deserve

8. When were you diagnosed?

this fall

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies

FMA reading writing computer anime manga ect

10. What is your family life like?

great my parents are bolth phyciatrist and very suportive they get sick alot but we doo just fine

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends?

alot of people are nice to me but i only have a few freinds and one best freind

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school?

A's and B's

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder?

not realy my learing disability overshadows asburgers up i am good at self avicating

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS?

acept them for what they are understand the disorder and be patiant dont pitty them and make a big deal out of it though esentialy we're all just reguler kids

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS?

they might have trouble relising things tell them they may seem aloof they dont mean to be but treat them for the most part like ordinary kids

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS?

same as i would about them knowing i have a little siter or like to read

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS?

emphisise to treat us normaly for the most part

- just a little bit CRAZY


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20 Jan 2008, 12:15 am

1. Age/Gender:
I am female and a junior in High School.

2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else?
Oh yes.

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems?

Well, I was diagnosed with Asperger's when I was very young, so I've had a lot of time to figure out, you know, what NT (Neuro Typical or non-Aspie) people do in social situations and stuff like that. I've just paid close attention to people and conversations and have tried to pick up on what typically makes people happy, what insults them, and what makes them feel sad. Social interaction is anything but second nature to me. I've really had to work at figuring out how people expect me to respond to them and stuff. From what I understand, NT people instinctively and automatically know how to talk with people and how to react when someone hugs you, etc.
But, as an Aspie who doesn't understand that stuff innately, I've pretty much had to figure out and teach myself all those expected social responses. Hence why I'm exausted after a long school day filled with constant socializing.
Not to mention the eye contact thing. I just reflexively look away from people's eyes when I'm talking to them. It's been really difficult to overcome that, and even now, after many years of practice I still feel uncomfortable with eye contact. I feel as if I'm staring them down or something.
Obviously, it's been difficult, but I've made a ton of progress.

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it?
No way.
I like that I think in a different way than most people. Even though coping with my AS and dealing with it's respective social difficulties can be difficult at times, I feel that it really is a part of me and I cannot imagine myself without it.
That sounds really cliche, but it really is how I feel.

5. Do you also have problems with OCD?
No, not to a notable degree.

6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy?
Erm.. I suppose the same things that set other people off and make other people happy.
I like chocolate and listening to music and cute guys just as much as any other teenage girl.
I don't really think being an aspie has anything to do with this, other than the fact that I like being able to relax by myself or quietly read a book in my room.

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc.

I'm going to college soon, and even though I'm not quite sure of my specific major yet, I'm thinking about becoming a teacher of some kind.
Family wise, I definately want to get married and have kids some day.

8. When were you diagnosed?
When I was 4.

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies

Well, I like alternative and rock music alot (specifically stuff like The Academy is... and Panic! at the Disco) and I love a ton of movies of all sorts of genres. I like action, horror, romantic comedies, and pretty much every other genre under the sun. Right now, the TV shows I'm hooked on are Ugly Betty and Project Runway plus the Food and Travel channels.
I've like music from other countries for a long time and I have gone through several obsession phases with many of them.
My aspie obession right now is a Korean boyband called TVXQ. They are basicly greatness. XD
I also like several Jrock (Japanese rock) bands and own a ton of CDs from Japan, South Korea, China and I even have a few Spanish, German, and French songs on my iPod.
I also love leaning about all the different languages and cultures in the world. They are facinating.

10. What is your family life like?
It's nice. Pretty unremarkable.

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends?
I actually do.
I went through a tough period in my life a few years back when I grew apart from a friend that I had pretty much idolized. I didn't know what to do with myself now that she wasn't there for me. I barely even knew how to make new friends. So I just tried to be the person I wish she had been for me and now I have a bunch of really good, true friends who like and understand me for who I am. I have friends in every grade level of my school now.
Some of the younger ones even look up to me. It makes me feel so good to know that I haven't let them down like my friend let me down.

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school?
I do very well. I have about a 95% GPA right now and I do well in a variety in classes.
I like learning the stuff, and I usually understand the material well, but I hate doing the homework. Yuck. It's just terrible.

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder?
Not too much.
But I've had trouble convincing them to forgive me when I leave an assignment at home or in my locker. I come across fairly normal and have an above average understanding of most of the subjects, so they often forget that I have AS.

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS?
Be nice to us, please.
Positive reinforcement does wonders for us, and if you give us a chance and maybe a little help at first, we will do well and will likely far exceed your expectations.
Yelling does nothing but stress me out, and it WILL NOT cause me to have neater handwriting or be more organized.
Yelling does NOTHING to motivate me. In fact, it makes me feel very discouraged and like a failure. How can I fix whatever problem you have with me or my work if you aren't willing to tell or show me how to fix it?
Patience goes a LONG way with an Aspie student.

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS?
Don't take it personally if we want personal space or 'some alone-time'. It's not because we don't like you, we just need a place to rest and recover from social burn-out, if you will.
Other than that, I guess I just have to say that if you give aspies a chance and get past our initial awkwardness, we can be very interesting people.

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS?
I don't feel that I have any reason to hide it. It's just a part of me.

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS?
Please don't make us come across as emotionless robots. Even though in severe instances of AS the person shows almost no expression, that doesn't mean they aren't upset or happy or whatever else the case may be, it just means that they aren't showing their emotions the typical NT way.


And I guess that's all. I hope I helped you and that your paper turns out well.

btw, thank you for being willing to try and understand your sister. As I mentioned earlier, willingness to accept us and try to understand us will go a long way.
Good luck on your paper! (:


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20 Jan 2008, 3:52 am

1. Age/Gender: 17m

2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else?
I'm not even close to what neurotypical people behave and act like on a daily basis.

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems?
I'm not able to cope with behavioral problems, and it's biting me in the ass.

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it?
Hell no. I want an excuse for my failure.

5. Do you also have problems with OCD?

6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy?
Stupid people piss me off. Not alot of things make me happy.

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc.
I want to work in a warehouse with as little social interaction as possible.

8. When were you diagnosed?

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies
music, movies, SKIING, golfing

10. What is your family life like?
M made my mom move out when i was 10 cuz she got sick of me I guess, I used to not get along with my dad but everything's fine now, and I don't see my brother much.

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends?
I don't have any.

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school?
I'm like a 2.5 gpa.

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder?
I only have 1 teacher and she understands it well.

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS?
I really don't know because I haven't crossed a teacher who sucked..

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS?
I can't really come up with a good answer for this question right now because I'm really tired. I'll come back to it tomorrow.

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS?
I have no problem with it whatsoever. I have no problem telling people I have it or talking about it.

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS?
people with AS are still people and it's not like people can't get along with us


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22 Jan 2008, 10:56 pm

Well i'm 27 with aspergers and co-existing conditions that may people with aspergers has. But though i would help in this :0)

1. Age/Gender: 27/Male

2. Do you ever feel like you are any different from anyone else?
Well to be honest, yeah very much so, autism/aspergers has only been known for around 10-15 years so i went though school not knowing about aspergers/autism/ADHD or ADD. As you can see it's pretty confusing when no one could tell me exactly what was wrong with me, I didn't really have that many problems except the label learning disability when i was in school, which was way off based on what i have know.

3. How have you coped with behavioral problems? Well for me it's anything to do with animals, usually i dont have behavior issues around animals or something i enjoy such as the computer or video games, or something i'm interested in as well as listening to music (internet radio)

4. If you were given the chance to change yourself so you didn't have AS anymore would you do it?
no- i'm just glad i know what i'm dealing with, If i new what i know now when i was in school would of been very helpful.
5. Do you also have problems with OCD?
well sort of, before being diagnosed with Aspergers I was diagnosed and evaluated based on the following. PTSD,Anxiety disorders, Agoraphobia, depression,schizophrenia and similar conditions which of course is kind of off, like when i was in school... as well as artheritis and lumbar lordosis.
6. What things set you off and upset you or make you happy?
being interupted (like when i'm working on a website or playing a game) and someone trys talking to me it pisses me off, also when by brothers friends)13-16 come over and play games and are loud. i have to go and take a walk outside to release that anxiety and nervousness.
Also loud noises(dark barking or siren) or constant talking around me upsets me.

7. What are your plans for the future? ex. school, career, family etc.
well I have been successful for my first 20+ years, but everything went down hill after many traumatic events though-out my life, family members dying, almost losing my brother to drug overdose, almost losing my grandmother to heart failure.. uncle dying for diabetes and mom dying from diabetes too.
8. When were you diagnosed? well i was diagnosed with aspergers,anxiety,ptsd and the other stuff i posted above about 2 years ago, at 25 yrs old.

9. What things interest you? ex. movies, music, tv, hobbies
animal care, computers, web design,music,blogging,html,php, programming.

10. What is your family life like?
while due to the fact my mom past away at 4 and dad left before i was born, and was adopted into a family that split up, and lost alot of my family... it's quite confusing, and hard and i'm kind of shocked that i'm still alive. but i still am somewhat close to my adopted family. (dont really interact or talk to them that much), but i do once in a while..

11. Do you have a lot of friends or do you find it hard to put yourself out there and make new friends?
well when i was a kid i have 3-4 friends, but of course when high school started and life, we lost communication, and with my past i just do not want to even bother with real life friends anymore.

12. What kind of grades do you/did you get in school?
I did actually amazing, 3.8 gpa, A's and B's in most of my classes and computer/industrial art related certifications and awards from school, which didnt even help me in my life.

13. Do you have a lot of problems with your teachers not understanding this disorder?
in my time
-10-15 years ago my problems werent officially available... did not exist.

14. What do you think teachers should know about dealing with a child with AS?
Aspergers is -anxiety overload, many people with Aspergers has other conditions such as anxiety, depression, ptsd, agoraphobia, sleep apnea and other similar stuff.

15. What do you want people to know about people with AS?
mostly the above mention, adults who are on the spectrum have been diagnosed as anxiety disorders, depression, ptsd, agoraphobia etc.

16. How do you feel about people knowing you have AS? well I dont really do much in my life now cause i'm on ssd and i really don't care on what people think about my AS.

17. Anything in particular you think I should add to my research paper about AS?
most people who have aspergers have major anxiety, depression, ptsd etc. I have alot of info on autism/aspergers on my blog (my site is in profile) and available below by the pm button if you want most of the information for your paper.