Canaspie wrote:
Your question contains the answer to why anarchy couldn't possibly work.
Your question admits the need for humans to organize in order to eliminate the hierarchy. The problem is that any form of organization requires some sort of a power hierarchy to exist. Without the hierarchy, everybody battles equally to control how everybody should be organized, thus preventing the organizing from actually ever being able to occur.
Why should a hierarchy be
required for organization? And, even if some kind of power is required to reorganize the clusterf**k we've gotten into, the goal would be to massively reduce or remove the need for it.
If modern technology has given us anything, it's the ability to rapidly disperse ideas and information. With just a few more years advancement, it seems to me that we should be able to coordinate ourselves in such a way that doesn't end in violence. The kinds of technology we're discovering and inventing these days - never before seen possibilities arise. If we could find it in ourselves to stop - just for a few years - burning trillions of dollars each year killing each other and arresting pot smokers, maybe we could, I dunno, solve world hunger? Solve the energy crisis? Make the world a f*****g utopia, maybe?? Why do we need to fight if everyone in the world can eat, drink, smoke weed and watch some TV everyday, instead of just "first-world" citizens? Why should anybody in the world be living in deplorable conditions? Because a single missile costs 10 million dollars. Dont you fact check me either, you know what I mean, you've seen the figures! So SOME form of hierarchy may be necessary in transition. So what? Let's see small-scale hierarchy start, organize ourselves from the very bottom up. Clearly the people in charge aren't planning to solve this moral crisis anytime soon.
Sorry, I tend to go on crazy rants sometimes. Hopefully you get my point. Bear in mind, I'm still sure that it's ultimately impossible for true ideal anarchy to come about anytime soon. Just. I dunno. Watering the seeds, I guess. You know - for the future.