I can't even use this site.

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16 Sep 2012, 8:36 pm

I tried to introduce myself a while back, and that was a failure. What happens is, I type what I'm thinking (after much deliberation) and backspace it all. Or if someone were to pm me, my heart would stop, and I would never write them back. It's kinda sad that I can't even communicate on the internet. I know no one can get me on here. Or stare at me. But I still can't find the words or the meaning. Now I don't even know what I'm thinking because I gave up on ever using that information.
People know I'm weird just because of what I say. I'm tired of it. I'd like to start over and not be so stupid-sounding in my first couple of posts.
I don't have anything to say other than I'm embarassed and tired. If anyone responds, don't be offended if it seems like I'm ignoring you. Does anyone else have this problem? I feel really shut-in. And there's a lot going on in my head but none of it comes out.


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16 Sep 2012, 8:54 pm

you're awfully hard on yourself. welcome to WP.


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16 Sep 2012, 9:04 pm

I think I can relate to this post very well. About the introduction problem, I typed out some intros before, and it was way after I joined this site and began posting on it because of many failed attempts beforehand trying to type an intro that actually sounded good to me. I spent a long time and a lot of effort into making them, only to highlight it all and cut it up. Then I made a new one, which wasn't the greatest, but I finally decided I would post it and see what happens regardless of my worries. It worked well enough to get me some interest. Unfortunately, most of the people who responded, eventually quit responding to me, and that sucked because I felt as if I had failed. I have also stopped responding to some people because it can make me so confused, frustrated, and tired thinking of the right things to say, but I do try to message back eventually, and it does not always go well. If something like this ever happens to you, I would advise to not let it get you too down. Try to look at it positively. I like to look at my time here as a new experience, and a new life that's in between real life and the internet. Life must go on, so we can keep experiencing new things, and grow stronger and this is what I use WP for, to grow and I have... Fail as much as you can, look at it from a positive perspective, and eventually you will succeed more than you thought possible. Failure is such a powerful feeling, that it can make us better in the long run.

featherbrained wrote:
I tried to introduce myself a while back, and that was a failure. What happens is, I type what I'm thinking (after much deliberation) and backspace it all. Or if someone were to pm me, my heart would stop, and I would never write them back. It's kinda sad that I can't even communicate on the internet. I know no one can get me on here. Or stare at me. But I still can't find the words or the meaning. Now I don't even know what I'm thinking because I gave up on ever using that information.
People know I'm weird just because of what I say. I'm tired of it. I'd like to start over and not be so stupid-sounding in my first couple of posts.
I don't have anything to say other than I'm embarassed and tired. If anyone responds, don't be offended if it seems like I'm ignoring you. Does anyone else have this problem? I feel really shut-in. And there's a lot going on in my head but none of it comes out.

Don't you mind people grinnin' in your face

Last edited by Pondering on 16 Sep 2012, 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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16 Sep 2012, 9:09 pm

Hello! (sorry for my English) I have a problem like you do.. I have only couple of friends in internet but when I must to answer their messages, it takes so much time, because I think think think what to say, how to say etc, My penpals are english-speaking and I almost every time use dictionary and I write short answer for 3-7 hours(( It makes me depressed and often I don't answer for some month!(( Though, sometimes I can write easy.

Amicus meus


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16 Sep 2012, 10:07 pm

Damn the guns, full speed ahead.

Sometimes you gotta take that approach.


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16 Sep 2012, 11:21 pm

featherbrained wrote:
I feel really shut-in. And there's a lot going on in my head but none of it comes out.

I feel like that too. welcome to WP.


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17 Sep 2012, 1:28 am

I doubt very seriously you will ever get rejected here. After all, this is an autism forum. It's full of people who are socially awkward for a variety of reasons and because of this they tend to be quite forgiving of the faults of others. You just need to relax and post a bit. Let people get to know you and your way of thinking. It takes time, but eventually you will find yourself engaged in conversations that will seem more natural. It's not a hard community to be accepted in, so long as you make an honest attempt to be respectful of others. If you say something that is not responded to in the way you intended it, just reply back to it with a quote and clarify what you intended to say. After all, we all make mistakes in wording from time to time. Even the most well spoken among us has made an honest mistake and so we are all willing to forgive.

Uncertain of diagnosis, either ADHD or Aspergers.
Aspie quiz: 143/200 AS, 81/200 NT; AQ 43; "eyes" 17/39, EQ/SQ 21/51 BAPQ: Autistic/BAP- You scored 92 aloof, 111 rigid and 103 pragmatic

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17 Sep 2012, 6:15 am

I felt like that a lot when I first joined! I did the message deleting, felt like there was no point in saying anything, etc...
When I made my first introduction post, I wrote a ton and didn't get a lot of feedback on all the many things I listed and questions I had. Yes, I wrote a short novel.y..list-thing, but I felt discouraged. I wanted more people to reply to me, but at the same time, I felt like I'd only be annoying people or saying useless, pointless garbage if I responded to anyone else. So.. I have been on here a few months and finally I'm starting to say more. No clue how long that will last, of course, but I feel better about it. So, I suggest sticking around and trying to post some stuff. I think you at least have a chance.
Most people judge their selves and worry about their own mistakes much more than they worry about other people I think.....

Tufted Titmouse
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17 Sep 2012, 9:22 am

Sometimes I feel that way, too. I spend an average of half an hour typing out messages, which is strange because my typing speed (while transcribing) is 85wpm. I'll type out something, read it, and then say, "What in the h-e-double hockey sticks am I thinking? If I type this, people with think very badly of me and say mean things and, oh God, they'll be right!" But it isn't so.

When I first did an introduction here, there was a person who wrote things that upset me, and I'm not usually a very aggressive person so I backed off and didn't log back in for over a year. It took my therapist being a jerk to get me to post again and I'm glad I did because the support here has been amazing. I haven't felt harshly judged, which is a wonderful feeling. (To not be harshly judged, that is.) I especially like that I've been able to offer support to others and so far, no one has said, "Avie...shut up. You're such an idiot." Which is a pleasant change from many of the other forums and groups I've been a part of. (Although now that I think of it, I'm not surprised. I've found that the majority of people who use words that disparage intelligence are conveying that they do not agree with what has been said. Most people here have no problem being direct without resorting to the argumentum ad hominem.)

It's okay if you don't write back. I understand if and why you don't. It feels like an obligation to maintain social connections, no matter how superficial. There are people that I really like who write to me or call me and I don't write or call back. It's not that I'm uninterested, I just don't know how to proceed. I tend to intimidate people, so I'll usually wait until they've written or called twice to see if they really want to interact with me or if they're just being "polite." Sometimes, I'll have things on my mind that I'm not comfortable sharing or that I've been told are oppressive to others. When I feel this way, I won't immediately respond. It doesn't mean I'm ignoring them, it just means that I don't want to be a bother. I'll try to write or call back later, but I've found that if I let stuff sit for too long, the person who sent it seems to forget that it was sent and the result feels like failure--an awkward failure. I don't have the best sense of time. I can go for years without talking to someone and then, when I see that person again, I'm quite able to pick up right where I left off, as if they'd only been in the next room getting a drink. I've come to the understanding that other people aren't like that. They need constant attention and if they don't get it, the relationship fades. Most times, when this happens, it can't even be revived! To me, that's awfully high maintenance. :)

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17 Sep 2012, 1:40 pm

I always start out by writing a book, reading it my self than deleting it and replacing it with a simple sentence. I always always worry my post will offend or I come across harshly.


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17 Sep 2012, 3:16 pm


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17 Sep 2012, 10:22 pm

cherrycoke wrote:
I always start out by writing a book, reading it my self than deleting it and replacing it with a simple sentence. I always always worry my post will offend or I come across harshly.

It's impossible not to. If your sharing an opinion, not everyone will agree with you. If your opinion is strong, more so.

But it's ok. Unless your name calling, you have a right to share your opinion.