I just found out this year that i probably have asperger's. Actually a long story behind that but i will spare you the details. Long story short, i met a friend who has asperger's. He saw a lot of the same traits in me and pointed me towards the condition. I was in therapy at the time for depression, but when i brought the possibility up to my therapist, it was a flat no that i do not have it, no discussion whatsoever. The same happened when i went to an OT. The guy took one look at me and told me that i don't "look" like i have it, that i had good eye contact, he also did not bother to hear what i had to say, he didn't know me from anyone and only talked to me for 5 min. So for a long time I went on with the same stuggles i've always had, i believed the professionals bc they are supposed to be right. Several months later my friend brought it up to me again after i complained about not knowing what i am supposed to do in paticular social situations. He knows me pretty well and said, i don't care what they told you, there's no way u that don't have it. So i did more research and I identify a lot with the symptoms and with the people on this site. So i am hoping that i can make a few friends here and learn more about myself by seeing myself in others. Also hoping to meet some other girls, as i've only heard what it is like for boys with the condition. Sorry, that was still kinda long, i don't usually know when to quit typing lol. Seems i have so much to say and talk about that i haven't had a place to do so before.