Hello all, Im a 43 year old male who who just figured out I have Aspergers. I haven't been diagosed but I did "the math" and I just know. This is the worst year of my life. I told my parents and there in denial. I went out on a limb, hoping they would support me but I had a few angry moments in the "meltdown" category and now my mom thinks im a bona fide pyhcho. I've been running from this problem all my life and now I know why--and im exausted. Now i know why suicide is an option for some. I want to find a support group to find out if others have had the downright odd actions I have had. The damn ocd that has taken years off my life, the countless times I've been anxious and turned red (blush) but the worst is being taken advantage of, picked on and thid is the mighty bridge to low self-esteem. This is what makes me angry! Please, if you personally know of a support group from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara, let me know.
My parents (age 70) had me as loving parents. I wasn't a mistake from a drunk sex, etc. I'm a spiritual person but now I don't any hope for a spiritual side now. Asperger's is a violent curse. There cant be be a God to put someone like myself in this living hell. It makes me sick to hear people say there glad they have IT.
Thank You